You are one of the most imaginative signs in the Zodiac. You express yourself through your words and artistic point of view. Where some may see a field of thorns and weeds, you can capture the image as a wildflower garden full of life and promise.
You don’t see things the way normal people do. You are very optimistic and constantly have on rosy glasses to view the world around you. You are more sensitive than other signs save for Cancers. You can be a bit absent-minded as everything to you seem and feels like a dream.
You are charitable and honest. You are willing to tear the shirt off your back to give it to someone less fortunate than yourself. You can’t stand seeing injustice or suffering. However, like Gemini, you have two sides to your personality. This is due to the fact that you are represented by two fish- one that is full of love and beauty that others will see as charming and pleasant. The other side of your personality though is one that is cold and distant like a fish. You may come off bashful and reserved or even devoid of personality, but this is because you live within yourself and cannot express yourself at times because you are overwhelmed by what you see or feel.
Just like a fish, you are timid and a bit scattered. You should work on your confidence and boldly go where ever the stream of life takes you. Don’t let the currents pull you to a place you don’t want to go. You need to learn how to swim upstream sometimes.
You are kind and patient as well as very sensitive to those around you. You won’t stand up for yourself and often feel walked on. You don’t like confirmation and try to avoid it as much as possible. When you are confronted, however, you switch off and find your happy place until the smoke clears.
Unlike other signs, you are very perceptive and can remember a great deal of information that others seem to miss. You learn easily which gives you the upper hand when transitioning into new career fields or projects.
While you are kind and sensitive you need to understand that you can be swayed easily to the dark side. You need to be aware of how habits can become addictions that will cause you to withdraw from your friends and family. Because you live within your own mind and have an extravagant imagination, you need to understand what is real from what is fiction.
Sometimes you will concoct something in your mind and begin to believe it is real when it is not. This includes fantasizing about partners being unfaithful. The only way to discover fact from fiction is to ask those uncomfortable questions that will set your mind at ease. Don’t let your mind take hold of you. Do your research and learn the facts before you allow yourself to be overcome by the imaginary beasts that are tormenting you.
You are a compassionate person and that compassion spreads to all aspects of your life including your romantic influences. You are seen as one of the most romantic signs of the Zodiac and will often dream about all the ways you can woo your partner. You often put your love up on a pedestal and refuse to see the bad side of their personality. You can sometimes lose yourself in the relationship and you need someone who will appreciate you for you and not take advantage of your kind-heartedness. You are suited well with Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn.
The grounded nature of Taurus allows you to feel the security you need and desire. Taurus will listen to you and build you up. While at times they can be a bit intimidating for you, they will always have your back and make for great partners. Taurus is an Earth element that will allow you to flow freely through their green pastures and bring things to life.
Cancer is a water sign just as you are which is why you would be happy with this union. While the Cancer represents the Cardinal aspect of the water sign you are Mutable. Cancers are deep and sensual individuals and are the initiators and are set in their ways. Whereas you are the mutable element of water that is flowing and ever changing, when you are paired with a Cancer you should think of the relationship like a body of water. Cancer will be the lake that is constant whereas you are the stream that feeds into the lake.
Capricorns are also a good match for you due to they are also represented by the Earth element. Capricorns are sure and true and will be there for you allowing your kind nature to rain down on them. When you are paired with a Capricorn you will find that life is simple and easy going. However a Capricorn may want to control things more than you would like them to, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. As long as they allow you to feel free and don’t become too rigid, you will find happiness with a Capricorn.
The best match for you is with another Pisces. Just like the mythology and the constellation that is represented by two fish, when you are with another of the same sign, it is magical and there is nothing holding you back for exploring life and love.
The worst match for you is the fire sign Sagittarius. Water and fire never co-exist. Both are too dominant elements that work in different ways. While you Pisces will move around things in order to find your path, the Sagittarius will plow through regardless which will be too much for you to handle. Friendships, however, will work great and both add something to the friendship, but as far as tying the knot, these two will have to set up some major boundaries and really get to know one another for the relationship to work.
You have the ability to swim through all streams of life be it in a corporate environment or low key hospice setting. You have a natural gift for helping others and the compassion as well as the intuition to help people and get to the root of the problem.
You would be best suited for a career where you can utilize all your traits. The medical field may call to you as that is where you can show the most compassion for others. Acting may be another trait or hobby for you as you can draw on your emotions and really bring characters to life without over stressing or worrying about others.
Your emotions are tied to your health issues. You are a very nervous person and can often times worry yourself sick. Along with worrying comes a weak immune system and if you don’t stick with regular exercising and a proper diet can throw your whole system out of whack.
You are also prone to having issues with your feet. There are pressure points on the bottom of your feet that can be associated with all parts of your body including your lungs and heart. It is important for you to take care of your feet and massage them when you are stressed out as it will help improve circulation to other parts of your body and relieve the anxiety that you have.
Moon in Pisces:
When the moon is in Pisces you will feel charged almost electric. Your responses to all your situations will be emotional, which means you will be easily moved whether it be to extreme joy and happiness or extreme sadness.
You will feel compelled to do something charitable and kind during this time. You may find yourself encouraged to take the line of least resistance, especially when you feel challenged. You might find yourself telling lies and become very deceptive not only to yourself but to others as well.
Try not to over indulge yourself as the habits you begin to form during this time will be hard to break.
Mercury in Pisces:
Your mind will work in a disorganized manner but your intuition will kick in and you will be able to sense the right path even if your mind or heart tells you differently. You will be sympathetic and kind towards other but may be a bit forgetful or careless with your words and actions. It will help if you make a list of things to do during this time so that there won’t be any confusion and you will be able to stay on track.
During this time you need to take heed when coping with uncertainty, especially when it comes to worrying about things that are out of your control. Don’t let your imagination run away with you. The last thing you want to do is to make a mountain from an ant hill.
You may want to take the line of least resistance but try to curb the lies that you tell yourself and others. Honesty during this time really is the best policy and you don’t want your lies to come back to haunt you.
Venus in Pisces:
When Venus is in Pisces you need to take extra care so that you are not taken advantage of. Your emotional level will be increased and you will become easily swayed and ruled by your heart. Remember that not all sob stories are true and to think practically before committing.
You may find yourself having to go through the school of hard knocks and repeat your mistakes until you have learned the lesson. You may find yourself swayed towards taking the easy way out of stressful situations. Just don’t let your self-confidence be undermined, especially when it comes to the powers of attraction.
Try not to give more than you can afford during this time. You don’t want to find yourself short on cash because someone took you for a ride and swindled you out of your hard-earned money.
Mars in Pisces:
When Mars is in Pisces you will be a very sensual and passionate lover that will make great sacrifices for your love. You may, however, sacrifice love itself in order to follow your other passions and goals.
During this time you will have a very colorful imagination that should be used in a creative way. Just because you think something doesn’t quite look right at first, finish the project. The outcome will surprise you as long as you let your creative run amok and don’t hold yourself back due to self-doubt.
You may become susceptible to gullibility and secretiveness as well as self-deception during this time so be wary of anything that seems too good to be true, chances are it will be. Follow your own instincts about situations and go from there. Just because someone tells you one thing, doesn’t mean it is true or the right thing to do no matter how they may sugar coat it.
Jupiter in Pisces:
Before Neptune was discovered, Jupiter was your ruling planet and often times can explain why you are feeling a certain way. The traits that Jupiter hands down to you are your philosophical spirit as well as your ability to be sympathetic and kind. You have a compassionate spirit and a natural friendliness that draws people to you.
You are a great listener and your emotional level is considerably enhanced when Jupiter is in Pisces. Your imagination and intuition are also heightened during this time. When Jupiter is in Pisces you find yourself practicing what you preach and set examples for other to follow.
You may sacrifice your own desires and needs to help those around you, but you shouldn’t put everyone ahead of yourself all the time. Balance is the key and you should refrain from over indulging other if it takes too much out of you or your bank account.
Saturn in Pisces:
Your self-sacrificing qualities will emerge when Saturn is in Pisces. Your increased intuition should be controlled and expressed with caution, but never ignored. Trust your gut as it is hardly ever wrong, just don’t become obsessed about your feelings. Take a practical approach and all will be well.
Don’t let your outlook on life become depressing. You need to realize that the tides are always changing and that something cannot be avoided even if you hide away. All you are doing is delaying the inevitable. Remember that life is about lessons and even if you do happen to suffer, good things are right around the corner.
You possess a powerful imaginative force which should be put to a creative use, don’t let it fizz out before creating something meaningful and personal. Don’t be hesitant, seize the moments that come and revel in them. You don’t have to show the world your masterpieces, but make sure you complete them so that you feel accomplished.
Be warned that your moods will shift during this time, so it will be a waste for you should you linger in one mood for too long. Especially if that mood is a negative one likes depression. You need to snap out of it in order to see the rainbow after the storm.
Uranus in Pisces:
You Pisces will sacrifice much for the good of others thanks to Uranus’ influence. However, if you find yourself evasive and gullible during this time it is important for you to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation before making any decision.
You will have an urge to follow the crowd which could be a negative route especially when it comes to socializing. You may not want the party to end or pay attention to curfews you have set. Do your best to keep a clear head and think things through, including the consequences of your actions before committing to the status quo. You may want to swim with the other fish and have a blast, but don’t forget about your other responsibilities to yourself or to others.
Pisces is Latin for the plural of fish and it occupies 889 square degrees making it the 14th largest constellation. Pisces is difficult to see with the naked eye due to the dim stars that make up this constellation.
The constellation is located northeast of Aquarius and northwest of the constellation Cetus which is the sea monster. Andromeda, Pegasus, and Aries border Pisces.
Alpherg or Kullat Nunu is Pisces’ brightest star and is 294 light years from earth with a luminosity that is 316 times that of the sun. Pisces also is home to Van Maanen’s Star named after the Dutch astronomer who discovered it in 1917. The Van Maanen’s Star is 31st closest star system and the closest single white dwarf to the sun at 14.1 light-years away.
While Pisces has roots in Syria, it is the Greek/Roman mythology that brings this constellation to life.
One day Aphrodite and Eros were walking along the shoreline when they were attacked by a fire breathing monster known as Typhon. In order to escape, Aphrodite and Eros turned themselves into fish and tied their fins together so that they would lose one another in the tide.
To honor Aphrodite and Eros’s clever thinking Athena placed the fish in the stars.
In Egypt, the fish represent the goddesses Anunitum and Simmah and each one represented one of the two distinct rivers that flowed through Egypt, the Euphrates, and the Tigris.
Lilac is the color that best suits you and your moods. Should you ever feel depressed, add a bit of this color around you and let the calming color sooth you. Or get one of the air fragrances to breathe in deep for optimal comfort.
Your birthstones are Diamond, Amethyst, and Bloodstone.
When Pisces transitions into Aries your physical level will increase and it will become easier for you to be assertive and accept challenges that you would normally shy away from. You may even experience your life moving faster downstream than before when Aries comes around. Just be cautious as you will find yourself prone to accidents if you are not watching what you are doing or where you are going.
The transition into Aries comes with some perks that for Aries come off as being negative. But for you will be a blessing in disguise. You may find yourself becoming a bit more selfish, which is a major trait of Aries that is frowned upon, but for you, this is a good thing as all too often you put other people above yourself. You will find that you will be comfortable splurge a little more for the things you want than to hand over that extra money to charity. Just don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about it, everyone needs their “me” time and to give themselves a gift for doing a job well done every now and again.
During this time you will find that your head is clearer and you aren’t drifting into the dream world as often. You will see the facts clearer than the dream and will be able to drift into that romance novel knowing that it is fiction instead of dreaming and concocting ways for it to become reality. During this time you will find that there is a fire that is lit under you and you will be more productive than usual. A sense of ambition will flow through you giving you the courage you need to stand up for yourself and take on projects head on.
Pisces February 20 to March 20
You are one of the most imaginative signs in the Zodiac. You express yourself through your words and artistic point of view. Where some may see a field of thorns and weeds, you can capture the image as a wildflower garden full of life and promise.
You don’t see things the way normal people do. You are very optimistic and constantly have on rosy glasses to view the world around you. You are more sensitive than other signs save for Cancers. You can be a bit absent-minded as everything to you seem and feels like a dream.
You are charitable and honest. You are willing to tear the shirt off your back to give it to someone less fortunate than yourself. You can’t stand seeing injustice or suffering. However, like Gemini, you have two sides to your personality. This is due to the fact that you are represented by two fish- one that is full of love and beauty that others will see as charming and pleasant. The other side of your personality though is one that is cold and distant like a fish. You may come off bashful and reserved or even devoid of personality, but this is because you live within yourself and cannot express yourself at times because you are overwhelmed by what you see or feel.
Just like a fish, you are timid and a bit scattered. You should work on your confidence and boldly go where ever the stream of life takes you. Don’t let the currents pull you to a place you don’t want to go. You need to learn how to swim upstream sometimes.
You are kind and patient as well as very sensitive to those around you. You won’t stand up for yourself and often feel walked on. You don’t like confirmation and try to avoid it as much as possible. When you are confronted, however, you switch off and find your happy place until the smoke clears.
Unlike other signs, you are very perceptive and can remember a great deal of information that others seem to miss. You learn easily which gives you the upper hand when transitioning into new career fields or projects.
While you are kind and sensitive you need to understand that you can be swayed easily to the dark side. You need to be aware of how habits can become addictions that will cause you to withdraw from your friends and family. Because you live within your own mind and have an extravagant imagination, you need to understand what is real from what is fiction.
Sometimes you will concoct something in your mind and begin to believe it is real when it is not. This includes fantasizing about partners being unfaithful. The only way to discover fact from fiction is to ask those uncomfortable questions that will set your mind at ease. Don’t let your mind take hold of you. Do your research and learn the facts before you allow yourself to be overcome by the imaginary beasts that are tormenting you.
You are a compassionate person and that compassion spreads to all aspects of your life including your romantic influences. You are seen as one of the most romantic signs of the Zodiac and will often dream about all the ways you can woo your partner. You often put your love up on a pedestal and refuse to see the bad side of their personality. You can sometimes lose yourself in the relationship and you need someone who will appreciate you for you and not take advantage of your kind-heartedness. You are suited well with Taurus, Cancer, and Capricorn.
The grounded nature of Taurus allows you to feel the security you need and desire. Taurus will listen to you and build you up. While at times they can be a bit intimidating for you, they will always have your back and make for great partners. Taurus is an Earth element that will allow you to flow freely through their green pastures and bring things to life.
Cancer is a water sign just as you are which is why you would be happy with this union. While the Cancer represents the Cardinal aspect of the water sign you are Mutable. Cancers are deep and sensual individuals and are the initiators and are set in their ways. Whereas you are the mutable element of water that is flowing and ever changing, when you are paired with a Cancer you should think of the relationship like a body of water. Cancer will be the lake that is constant whereas you are the stream that feeds into the lake.
Capricorns are also a good match for you due to they are also represented by the Earth element. Capricorns are sure and true and will be there for you allowing your kind nature to rain down on them. When you are paired with a Capricorn you will find that life is simple and easy going. However a Capricorn may want to control things more than you would like them to, but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. As long as they allow you to feel free and don’t become too rigid, you will find happiness with a Capricorn.
The best match for you is with another Pisces. Just like the mythology and the constellation that is represented by two fish, when you are with another of the same sign, it is magical and there is nothing holding you back for exploring life and love.
The worst match for you is the fire sign Sagittarius. Water and fire never co-exist. Both are too dominant elements that work in different ways. While you Pisces will move around things in order to find your path, the Sagittarius will plow through regardless which will be too much for you to handle. Friendships, however, will work great and both add something to the friendship, but as far as tying the knot, these two will have to set up some major boundaries and really get to know one another for the relationship to work.
You have the ability to swim through all streams of life be it in a corporate environment or low key hospice setting. You have a natural gift for helping others and the compassion as well as the intuition to help people and get to the root of the problem.
You would be best suited for a career where you can utilize all your traits. The medical field may call to you as that is where you can show the most compassion for others. Acting may be another trait or hobby for you as you can draw on your emotions and really bring characters to life without over stressing or worrying about others.
Your emotions are tied to your health issues. You are a very nervous person and can often times worry yourself sick. Along with worrying comes a weak immune system and if you don’t stick with regular exercising and a proper diet can throw your whole system out of whack.
You are also prone to having issues with your feet. There are pressure points on the bottom of your feet that can be associated with all parts of your body including your lungs and heart. It is important for you to take care of your feet and massage them when you are stressed out as it will help improve circulation to other parts of your body and relieve the anxiety that you have.
Moon in Pisces:
When the moon is in Pisces you will feel charged almost electric. Your responses to all your situations will be emotional, which means you will be easily moved whether it be to extreme joy and happiness or extreme sadness.
You will feel compelled to do something charitable and kind during this time. You may find yourself encouraged to take the line of least resistance, especially when you feel challenged. You might find yourself telling lies and become very deceptive not only to yourself but to others as well.
Try not to over indulge yourself as the habits you begin to form during this time will be hard to break.
Mercury in Pisces:
Your mind will work in a disorganized manner but your intuition will kick in and you will be able to sense the right path even if your mind or heart tells you differently. You will be sympathetic and kind towards other but may be a bit forgetful or careless with your words and actions. It will help if you make a list of things to do during this time so that there won’t be any confusion and you will be able to stay on track.
During this time you need to take heed when coping with uncertainty, especially when it comes to worrying about things that are out of your control. Don’t let your imagination run away with you. The last thing you want to do is to make a mountain from an ant hill.
You may want to take the line of least resistance but try to curb the lies that you tell yourself and others. Honesty during this time really is the best policy and you don’t want your lies to come back to haunt you.
Venus in Pisces:
When Venus is in Pisces you need to take extra care so that you are not taken advantage of. Your emotional level will be increased and you will become easily swayed and ruled by your heart. Remember that not all sob stories are true and to think practically before committing.
You may find yourself having to go through the school of hard knocks and repeat your mistakes until you have learned the lesson. You may find yourself swayed towards taking the easy way out of stressful situations. Just don’t let your self-confidence be undermined, especially when it comes to the powers of attraction.
Try not to give more than you can afford during this time. You don’t want to find yourself short on cash because someone took you for a ride and swindled you out of your hard-earned money.
Mars in Pisces:
When Mars is in Pisces you will be a very sensual and passionate lover that will make great sacrifices for your love. You may, however, sacrifice love itself in order to follow your other passions and goals.
During this time you will have a very colorful imagination that should be used in a creative way. Just because you think something doesn’t quite look right at first, finish the project. The outcome will surprise you as long as you let your creative run amok and don’t hold yourself back due to self-doubt.
You may become susceptible to gullibility and secretiveness as well as self-deception during this time so be wary of anything that seems too good to be true, chances are it will be. Follow your own instincts about situations and go from there. Just because someone tells you one thing, doesn’t mean it is true or the right thing to do no matter how they may sugar coat it.
Jupiter in Pisces:
Before Neptune was discovered, Jupiter was your ruling planet and often times can explain why you are feeling a certain way. The traits that Jupiter hands down to you are your philosophical spirit as well as your ability to be sympathetic and kind. You have a compassionate spirit and a natural friendliness that draws people to you.
You are a great listener and your emotional level is considerably enhanced when Jupiter is in Pisces. Your imagination and intuition are also heightened during this time. When Jupiter is in Pisces you find yourself practicing what you preach and set examples for other to follow.
You may sacrifice your own desires and needs to help those around you, but you shouldn’t put everyone ahead of yourself all the time. Balance is the key and you should refrain from over indulging other if it takes too much out of you or your bank account.
Saturn in Pisces:
Your self-sacrificing qualities will emerge when Saturn is in Pisces. Your increased intuition should be controlled and expressed with caution, but never ignored. Trust your gut as it is hardly ever wrong, just don’t become obsessed about your feelings. Take a practical approach and all will be well.
Don’t let your outlook on life become depressing. You need to realize that the tides are always changing and that something cannot be avoided even if you hide away. All you are doing is delaying the inevitable. Remember that life is about lessons and even if you do happen to suffer, good things are right around the corner.
You possess a powerful imaginative force which should be put to a creative use, don’t let it fizz out before creating something meaningful and personal. Don’t be hesitant, seize the moments that come and revel in them. You don’t have to show the world your masterpieces, but make sure you complete them so that you feel accomplished.
Be warned that your moods will shift during this time, so it will be a waste for you should you linger in one mood for too long. Especially if that mood is a negative one likes depression. You need to snap out of it in order to see the rainbow after the storm.
Uranus in Pisces:
You Pisces will sacrifice much for the good of others thanks to Uranus’ influence. However, if you find yourself evasive and gullible during this time it is important for you to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation before making any decision.
You will have an urge to follow the crowd which could be a negative route especially when it comes to socializing. You may not want the party to end or pay attention to curfews you have set. Do your best to keep a clear head and think things through, including the consequences of your actions before committing to the status quo. You may want to swim with the other fish and have a blast, but don’t forget about your other responsibilities to yourself or to others.
Pisces is Latin for the plural of fish and it occupies 889 square degrees making it the 14th largest constellation. Pisces is difficult to see with the naked eye due to the dim stars that make up this constellation.
The constellation is located northeast of Aquarius and northwest of the constellation Cetus which is the sea monster. Andromeda, Pegasus, and Aries border Pisces.
Alpherg or Kullat Nunu is Pisces’ brightest star and is 294 light years from earth with a luminosity that is 316 times that of the sun. Pisces also is home to Van Maanen’s Star named after the Dutch astronomer who discovered it in 1917. The Van Maanen’s Star is 31st closest star system and the closest single white dwarf to the sun at 14.1 light-years away.
While Pisces has roots in Syria, it is the Greek/Roman mythology that brings this constellation to life.
One day Aphrodite and Eros were walking along the shoreline when they were attacked by a fire breathing monster known as Typhon. In order to escape, Aphrodite and Eros turned themselves into fish and tied their fins together so that they would lose one another in the tide.
To honor Aphrodite and Eros’s clever thinking Athena placed the fish in the stars.
In Egypt, the fish represent the goddesses Anunitum and Simmah and each one represented one of the two distinct rivers that flowed through Egypt, the Euphrates, and the Tigris.
Lilac is the color that best suits you and your moods. Should you ever feel depressed, add a bit of this color around you and let the calming color sooth you. Or get one of the air fragrances to breathe in deep for optimal comfort.
Your birthstones are Diamond, Amethyst, and Bloodstone.
When Pisces transitions into Aries your physical level will increase and it will become easier for you to be assertive and accept challenges that you would normally shy away from. You may even experience your life moving faster downstream than before when Aries comes around. Just be cautious as you will find yourself prone to accidents if you are not watching what you are doing or where you are going.
The transition into Aries comes with some perks that for Aries come off as being negative. But for you will be a blessing in disguise. You may find yourself becoming a bit more selfish, which is a major trait of Aries that is frowned upon, but for you, this is a good thing as all too often you put other people above yourself. You will find that you will be comfortable splurge a little more for the things you want than to hand over that extra money to charity. Just don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about it, everyone needs their “me” time and to give themselves a gift for doing a job well done every now and again.
During this time you will find that your head is clearer and you aren’t drifting into the dream world as often. You will see the facts clearer than the dream and will be able to drift into that romance novel knowing that it is fiction instead of dreaming and concocting ways for it to become reality. During this time you will find that there is a fire that is lit under you and you will be more productive than usual. A sense of ambition will flow through you giving you the courage you need to stand up for yourself and take on projects head on.