If you are a Leo, then you already know how big your heart really is. You are the kind of person to give your last dollar to help someone. You always have a smile and are the most generous person in your circle of friends. You are the sunshine and the light of the world. You say the right things, and if you can’t you know that silence is golden and won’t do anything to hurt those you love.
Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, you don’t close off your mind. You are open and free and can accept that some things are beyond your control. You compromise to an extent so long as it doesn’t harm you or others in the process. You are warmhearted and always want nothing but the best for others. But sometimes what you want and how you go about getting those things can be a bit crass.
You can be pompous and sometimes patronize. When you get put into a position that is not favorable, you can become bossy and intolerant. This is particularly the case when you get into fights. You begin to see red and can’t stand being told what to do. You have a tendency to stick your nose is other people’s business when it is not wanted, but you don’t do it out of malice, but love.
You are a hard worker and play just as hard as you work. You are very charming which tends to draw crowds to you wherever you go. People love being around you, but you need to be cautious of those who would take for granted your generosity.
You say what is on your mind and are highly opinionated which may cause friction between you and your loved ones at times. But when you see what your words have done, you are quick to make amends and set things right. You don’t hold a grudge and often let things go once you have expressed yourself and gotten everything out on the table.
You demonstrate the gratification of what sacrifice and hard work bring. You live your life in the moment and yet still manage to have a backup plan for the future. You can organize events like no one else which is one of the many traits that people are drawn to. Your parties are legendary, and everyone walks away with smiles on their faces.
You don’t have any issues with self-esteem, but you can be very prideful which may look like to others as you being a snob. You want the credit for the things you do, but when you don’t feel like you have gotten your comeuppance, you tend to grumble. You are a risk taker which can be dangerous at times. You are willing to try anything once just so that you can say you did it, but this can also have negative side effects if you take things to the extreme. You find yourself getting side track sometimes because once you have done something you mark it off and move on. You don’t like to repeat yourself or the things you do.
You are spunky and adventurous which can cause bodily harm if you aren’t careful about the things you do. But besides the mortal aspect that you need to face and to realize you aren’t as invincible as you thing you are, you need to calm down. When things don’t go your way, your blood pressure will rise. As a Leo, you are prone to irregular heartbeats and even blocked arteries. Plus, when you take on too much, your stress rises, and you have issues with your shoulders and back.
Your diet, however, will help you stay in control of your blood pressure. You naturally crave healthy and organic foods but have taste buds that lead you to rich foods and fine wines. As long as you keep an eye on what you eat, you shouldn’t have any issues of gaining weight. You are not lazy and will burn off those extra calories quickly. Just make sure that you don’t ignore your body. Listen to the signs and seek help even if you don’t want to.
Being a Leo, you can’t help the way you feel about those you love. You are always genuine and faithful. You will never be the one to stray in a relationship. Your love is strong as it is pure and will always defend those you care about.
Your pride can be a bit intimidating for others, and that is why you need partners who are on the same level as you are. You are best matched with Aries, due to your high energy levels and self-confidence. Sagittarius will keep you mellow and caution you, yet still, be wild and as untamable as you are which is what draws you to Sagittarius in the first place. Gemini’s will help you and lure you out of the den when you get depressed and are just as faithful as you are. Libra’s will balance your impulses and help you to come to grips with mortality. However, you are best suited for the gentle and kind-hearted Pisces. Pisces will complement you in every aspect of your life, just as you will with them. You thrive on being the center of attention and to a Pisces, that is exactly where they will put you, smack dab in the center of their universe.
On the other side of you nature, you may appear to be tremendously self-assured, but inside you are very sensitive but will never admit it to anyone save for that special someone. You revel in a romantic relationship and can be extremely passionate, just like in the movies. You spoil your loves, and your heart will often rule your head. Allowing your heart to rule may at times bring you great sadness when you discover your lover doesn’t feel the same as you do.
Your worst possible match is with a Scorpio. Scorpio’s are too wild and won’t tolerate your dominating nature. If this match is to work, both must compromise, but Scorpio’s aren’t known to settle for second best, and will sooner or later leave due to the demands you Leo, puts on the relationship. Scorpio’s will feel like you are holding them back and blocking their creativity.
Because you are fearless, you will take on any challenge and are suited for positions that will grant you power and authority. You love the spotlight which makes careers in dominating roles so appealing to you. The best jobs for your sign would be in a position where you can have complete control over the final product. Sales, directors, interior designers, all these careers will help you feel accomplished without boring you to tears.
The Sun rules your sign and is what makes you so flamboyant and cheerful. It is what draws people to you and what makes you so dynamic. It is what warms those around you and radiates through you and around you. But at the same time, is what also gives you your negative traits that come off as being bossy. You can burn others who you feel are beneath you and you need to realize that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.
Moon in Leo:
When the Moon is in Leo, you have the urge to take over and be the boss of every situation. Things at work or at home may not be up to your standards, and you feel like you have to do everything yourself to make it perfect. You need to find a way to express yourself in a positive manner instead of shoving everyone aside and taking control. During this time, you need to realize that there are other people that have just as much talent as you do, and not to let your pride interfere. It may be hard, but step aside and don’t come off as being bossy but try to express yourself and use those charms of yours to be helpful in a positive light.
Mercury in Leo:
When Mercury is in Leo you become highly centered and organized. You can take on many different projects all at once and see them to completion. You may find yourself doing a bit of spring cleaning during this time to make sure everything is in order. You are very optimistic during this time and will stop to see the forest for the trees. Everything will seem like it is in place, and if it is not, you will have the energy and mindset to make it the way you envision it to be.
Venus in Leo:
Passion runs deep when Venus is in Leo. You will find yourself showering your partner will all forms of love, be it material things to comforting them to seducing them. There is no holding back your emotions. If you are single and have an eye on someone, now would be the time to profess your love and see where things go. You will find that love is the key to all doors, and your natural charms and traits will draw people to you and happiness will surround you. You may find yourself going a bit overboard with the gifts you buy, but nothing is ever good enough for those you love, and you want everything during this time to be perfect. Just make sure to keep an eye on your bank account and not to overspend when you don’t have the funds.
Mars in Leo:
The need to defend will be paramount. You will begin to feel the influence of Mars in your career if you are hunting for a promotion or advancement. Mars will provide you with the energy you need, but make no mistake, and you will need to find your center or be thrown around by your impulses. Mars complements your natural traits of dominance and your already high energy, and you just need to make sure to use this extra boost in a positive way and not to become dismayed when things don’t go according to plan. On the plus side, when Mars is in Leo, you will never feel more alive which may cause you to take greater risks with your life and finances.
Jupiter in Leo:
You will feel unstoppable when Jupiter is in Leo. The influence you have on people will double, and you will be able to accomplish everything you set your mind to. During this time, you won’t feel like the world is against, in fact, you will see things working in your favor and that nothing seems unreasonable. Jupiter will bring you optimism and enthusiasm to go out and conquer the world.
Saturn in Leo:
When Saturn is in Leo, you may sense that things are intense and serious. Your emotions will sway, and you may find yourself becoming a bit overly cautious which for you can be a bad thing. You are a risk taker and need to remember that during this time. However, Saturn will give you the focus you need to weigh the odds and tip the balance in your favor. Your creative side will help you to achieve greatness and become better in your career. You love life will feel more secure, and you may express yourself more openly than you would any other time.
Uranus in Leo:
The need for power will be paramount during this time. You will seek the world and go to any means to get it. There is nothing you can’t do, just don’t become bossy or step on anyone’s toes while you are reaching for the sky.
Leo is the fifth Zodiac sign and according to Greek mythology, you are a ferocious beast. Leo is the Nemean Lion, who was sent by the goddess Hera to test her enemy Hercules. Hercules’ battle with the mighty lion was the first of his twelve tests. As the story goes, the lion’s skin was so tough, and it was impervious to the marksmen’s arrows. However, Hercules trapped the lion in his lair and with his bare hands choked it to death even though losing a finger in the struggle. After killing the lion, Hercules skinned him and clothed himself in the hide. By doing this Hercules remained protected against all future enemies.
Leo the Lion is one of the earliest recognized constellations. It was the Mesopotamians that documented the “lion” constellation. But the Lion was born in 3,000 BC in Egypt. Leo is a highly recognizable constellation, as it is one of the few constellations that resemble a lion in the night sky. It is fairly easy to find because the “pointer stars” of the Big Dipper point to Leo.
The Lion contains the well-known blue dwarf star Regulus and some spiral galaxies. Regulus is at the bottom right of the constellation and is some ninety years from earth. It is five times as massive as the sun. Whereas Algieba is the second brightest star in the constellation, and when looked at through a telescope it is actually two golden like stars.
Your color is represented by the fire of the sun and the golden mane of the great lion that fought Hercules.
Ruby is your birthstone.
As Leo transitions into Virgo, your more dominating features will be settled. The fierceness that you have will still be there, just won’t pull you and make you succumb to your impulses. Your self-confidence may diminish, and you might feel yourself becoming more vulnerable than before. The need to serve others rather than yourself may emerge which can be good, especially in team environments. You will be more ready to step aside and let others take charge.
In the beginning, you were a playful lion almost cub like, and willing to explore the world around you. Your charms and charisma pulled people to you, and they wanted to be there. When you are at your full strength, you are a fierce and dominant force to be reckoned with. You took control and became a pack leader essentially but now you are ready to step aside and let someone else take control.
But as you are transitioning into Virgo, you begin to ponder things from a different perspective. You aren’t as focused on what is going on with you and those around you but become more aware of your neighborhood and city. You can lead a movement that will change the environment for the better. You will work better with other during this time than any other time. Now is the time to relax and reap the spoils of all that you have accomplished during this time. You have worked so hard, now play hard and let yourself have fun once again.
LEO July 23 to August 22
If you are a Leo, then you already know how big your heart really is. You are the kind of person to give your last dollar to help someone. You always have a smile and are the most generous person in your circle of friends. You are the sunshine and the light of the world. You say the right things, and if you can’t you know that silence is golden and won’t do anything to hurt those you love.
Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, you don’t close off your mind. You are open and free and can accept that some things are beyond your control. You compromise to an extent so long as it doesn’t harm you or others in the process. You are warmhearted and always want nothing but the best for others. But sometimes what you want and how you go about getting those things can be a bit crass.
You can be pompous and sometimes patronize. When you get put into a position that is not favorable, you can become bossy and intolerant. This is particularly the case when you get into fights. You begin to see red and can’t stand being told what to do. You have a tendency to stick your nose is other people’s business when it is not wanted, but you don’t do it out of malice, but love.
You are a hard worker and play just as hard as you work. You are very charming which tends to draw crowds to you wherever you go. People love being around you, but you need to be cautious of those who would take for granted your generosity.
You say what is on your mind and are highly opinionated which may cause friction between you and your loved ones at times. But when you see what your words have done, you are quick to make amends and set things right. You don’t hold a grudge and often let things go once you have expressed yourself and gotten everything out on the table.
You demonstrate the gratification of what sacrifice and hard work bring. You live your life in the moment and yet still manage to have a backup plan for the future. You can organize events like no one else which is one of the many traits that people are drawn to. Your parties are legendary, and everyone walks away with smiles on their faces.
You don’t have any issues with self-esteem, but you can be very prideful which may look like to others as you being a snob. You want the credit for the things you do, but when you don’t feel like you have gotten your comeuppance, you tend to grumble. You are a risk taker which can be dangerous at times. You are willing to try anything once just so that you can say you did it, but this can also have negative side effects if you take things to the extreme. You find yourself getting side track sometimes because once you have done something you mark it off and move on. You don’t like to repeat yourself or the things you do.
You are spunky and adventurous which can cause bodily harm if you aren’t careful about the things you do. But besides the mortal aspect that you need to face and to realize you aren’t as invincible as you thing you are, you need to calm down. When things don’t go your way, your blood pressure will rise. As a Leo, you are prone to irregular heartbeats and even blocked arteries. Plus, when you take on too much, your stress rises, and you have issues with your shoulders and back.
Your diet, however, will help you stay in control of your blood pressure. You naturally crave healthy and organic foods but have taste buds that lead you to rich foods and fine wines. As long as you keep an eye on what you eat, you shouldn’t have any issues of gaining weight. You are not lazy and will burn off those extra calories quickly. Just make sure that you don’t ignore your body. Listen to the signs and seek help even if you don’t want to.
Being a Leo, you can’t help the way you feel about those you love. You are always genuine and faithful. You will never be the one to stray in a relationship. Your love is strong as it is pure and will always defend those you care about.
Your pride can be a bit intimidating for others, and that is why you need partners who are on the same level as you are. You are best matched with Aries, due to your high energy levels and self-confidence. Sagittarius will keep you mellow and caution you, yet still, be wild and as untamable as you are which is what draws you to Sagittarius in the first place. Gemini’s will help you and lure you out of the den when you get depressed and are just as faithful as you are. Libra’s will balance your impulses and help you to come to grips with mortality. However, you are best suited for the gentle and kind-hearted Pisces. Pisces will complement you in every aspect of your life, just as you will with them. You thrive on being the center of attention and to a Pisces, that is exactly where they will put you, smack dab in the center of their universe.
On the other side of you nature, you may appear to be tremendously self-assured, but inside you are very sensitive but will never admit it to anyone save for that special someone. You revel in a romantic relationship and can be extremely passionate, just like in the movies. You spoil your loves, and your heart will often rule your head. Allowing your heart to rule may at times bring you great sadness when you discover your lover doesn’t feel the same as you do.
Your worst possible match is with a Scorpio. Scorpio’s are too wild and won’t tolerate your dominating nature. If this match is to work, both must compromise, but Scorpio’s aren’t known to settle for second best, and will sooner or later leave due to the demands you Leo, puts on the relationship. Scorpio’s will feel like you are holding them back and blocking their creativity.
Because you are fearless, you will take on any challenge and are suited for positions that will grant you power and authority. You love the spotlight which makes careers in dominating roles so appealing to you. The best jobs for your sign would be in a position where you can have complete control over the final product. Sales, directors, interior designers, all these careers will help you feel accomplished without boring you to tears.
The Sun rules your sign and is what makes you so flamboyant and cheerful. It is what draws people to you and what makes you so dynamic. It is what warms those around you and radiates through you and around you. But at the same time, is what also gives you your negative traits that come off as being bossy. You can burn others who you feel are beneath you and you need to realize that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.
Moon in Leo:
When the Moon is in Leo, you have the urge to take over and be the boss of every situation. Things at work or at home may not be up to your standards, and you feel like you have to do everything yourself to make it perfect. You need to find a way to express yourself in a positive manner instead of shoving everyone aside and taking control. During this time, you need to realize that there are other people that have just as much talent as you do, and not to let your pride interfere. It may be hard, but step aside and don’t come off as being bossy but try to express yourself and use those charms of yours to be helpful in a positive light.
Mercury in Leo:
When Mercury is in Leo you become highly centered and organized. You can take on many different projects all at once and see them to completion. You may find yourself doing a bit of spring cleaning during this time to make sure everything is in order. You are very optimistic during this time and will stop to see the forest for the trees. Everything will seem like it is in place, and if it is not, you will have the energy and mindset to make it the way you envision it to be.
Venus in Leo:
Passion runs deep when Venus is in Leo. You will find yourself showering your partner will all forms of love, be it material things to comforting them to seducing them. There is no holding back your emotions. If you are single and have an eye on someone, now would be the time to profess your love and see where things go. You will find that love is the key to all doors, and your natural charms and traits will draw people to you and happiness will surround you. You may find yourself going a bit overboard with the gifts you buy, but nothing is ever good enough for those you love, and you want everything during this time to be perfect. Just make sure to keep an eye on your bank account and not to overspend when you don’t have the funds.
Mars in Leo:
The need to defend will be paramount. You will begin to feel the influence of Mars in your career if you are hunting for a promotion or advancement. Mars will provide you with the energy you need, but make no mistake, and you will need to find your center or be thrown around by your impulses. Mars complements your natural traits of dominance and your already high energy, and you just need to make sure to use this extra boost in a positive way and not to become dismayed when things don’t go according to plan. On the plus side, when Mars is in Leo, you will never feel more alive which may cause you to take greater risks with your life and finances.
Jupiter in Leo:
You will feel unstoppable when Jupiter is in Leo. The influence you have on people will double, and you will be able to accomplish everything you set your mind to. During this time, you won’t feel like the world is against, in fact, you will see things working in your favor and that nothing seems unreasonable. Jupiter will bring you optimism and enthusiasm to go out and conquer the world.
Saturn in Leo:
When Saturn is in Leo, you may sense that things are intense and serious. Your emotions will sway, and you may find yourself becoming a bit overly cautious which for you can be a bad thing. You are a risk taker and need to remember that during this time. However, Saturn will give you the focus you need to weigh the odds and tip the balance in your favor. Your creative side will help you to achieve greatness and become better in your career. You love life will feel more secure, and you may express yourself more openly than you would any other time.
Uranus in Leo:
The need for power will be paramount during this time. You will seek the world and go to any means to get it. There is nothing you can’t do, just don’t become bossy or step on anyone’s toes while you are reaching for the sky.
Leo is the fifth Zodiac sign and according to Greek mythology, you are a ferocious beast. Leo is the Nemean Lion, who was sent by the goddess Hera to test her enemy Hercules. Hercules’ battle with the mighty lion was the first of his twelve tests. As the story goes, the lion’s skin was so tough, and it was impervious to the marksmen’s arrows. However, Hercules trapped the lion in his lair and with his bare hands choked it to death even though losing a finger in the struggle. After killing the lion, Hercules skinned him and clothed himself in the hide. By doing this Hercules remained protected against all future enemies.
Leo the Lion is one of the earliest recognized constellations. It was the Mesopotamians that documented the “lion” constellation. But the Lion was born in 3,000 BC in Egypt. Leo is a highly recognizable constellation, as it is one of the few constellations that resemble a lion in the night sky. It is fairly easy to find because the “pointer stars” of the Big Dipper point to Leo.
The Lion contains the well-known blue dwarf star Regulus and some spiral galaxies. Regulus is at the bottom right of the constellation and is some ninety years from earth. It is five times as massive as the sun. Whereas Algieba is the second brightest star in the constellation, and when looked at through a telescope it is actually two golden like stars.
Your color is represented by the fire of the sun and the golden mane of the great lion that fought Hercules.
Ruby is your birthstone.
As Leo transitions into Virgo, your more dominating features will be settled. The fierceness that you have will still be there, just won’t pull you and make you succumb to your impulses. Your self-confidence may diminish, and you might feel yourself becoming more vulnerable than before. The need to serve others rather than yourself may emerge which can be good, especially in team environments. You will be more ready to step aside and let others take charge.
In the beginning, you were a playful lion almost cub like, and willing to explore the world around you. Your charms and charisma pulled people to you, and they wanted to be there. When you are at your full strength, you are a fierce and dominant force to be reckoned with. You took control and became a pack leader essentially but now you are ready to step aside and let someone else take control.
But as you are transitioning into Virgo, you begin to ponder things from a different perspective. You aren’t as focused on what is going on with you and those around you but become more aware of your neighborhood and city. You can lead a movement that will change the environment for the better. You will work better with other during this time than any other time. Now is the time to relax and reap the spoils of all that you have accomplished during this time. You have worked so hard, now play hard and let yourself have fun once again.