Expert Gemini Guide

GEMINI May 21 – June 21


Gemini is Latin for the word “Twins” and the mythology behind this constellation pretty much sums up your personality. You are expressive and represent two completely different sides of your personality. You are social butterflies that love to talk and be involved with the world around you. You are fun and adventurous one minute, and serious and thoughtful the next and you are the third sign of the Zodiac wheel.

As a Gemini, you can’t help but get in the middle of a conversation and get others to laugh and laugh. You like to talk with your hands, and everything about you is whimsical. But there is that other side of you that can take things a little too seriously and you don’t know when a Gemini will flip the switch to their many different personalities. You never know what you are going to get with a Gemini, which is why they are so much fun to be around.

You are the element of air and ruled by Mercury. This is why you, Gemini are so concerned with every aspect of the mind. Because Mercury rules over this sign, you are born with the gift of gab. Mercury is all about communication in all its forms, and that is why you can join in on a conversation in the middle and still share your two cents.

If you are born under Gemini, you may feel like the other half of you is missing, or that something important in your life is gone. You feel a hole in your soul, unlike anything you can explain. This may be due to your signs history and the fact that you are always searching for new friendships and a place to belong. But that longing you feel also draws you to the unexplained. You are fascinated by everything the world has to offer you and there is never a dull moment when you are around.

When you do get lonely, you have more than enough friends to call and chat with and spend hours on the phone or internet communicating with other people. It shouldn’t surprise you that your nature has you talking to just about anyone. From the person on the bus next to you to the woman behind the counter at the post office, you speak freely to anyone who will listen.


You love to talk. It doesn’t matter if it is in a bar with strangers or sitting around the dinner table chatting with family. You always have something to say and love expressing yourself to those around you. Sometimes, though, your mouth may run away with you and the time because you get so engaged with who and what you are talking about you don’t pay any attention to the time.

You are talented and charming. Your charms can calm down the tension in a room and even get people laughing when they are sad. You have a very curious mind and like to know the inner workings of things as well as people. So no question is ever off limits to you as long as it justifies your curiosity.

Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, you have a very long fuse and hardly ever get upset or mad. You can blow things off and step away from a situation or even defuse a tense topic with your humor and wits. But when you do get mad or upset, beware! You have no issues letting everything out at once and getting things off your chest. While it takes a lot to tick you off but when that line has been crossed your other half comes out to set things straight. You aren’t one to hold a grudge, but you do keep score of what has happened and bring that up when your buttons have been pushed.

Because you love to talk, and can hold a conversation with anyone, people may see you as the ultimate flirt. You don’t mind, though, and you love the game of life and flirty is something that just comes naturally.


You are gentle and kind as well as curious and affectionate. You can adapt to any situation and make lady luck shine on you wherever you are. Your mind is constantly going, and you are able to learn fast and pick up new things as you go. You are never bored. But these things are just one side of you.

The other side of the Gemini is the nervous and indecisive person. You can make up your mind, but when the switch has been flipped, you don’t know what to wear or what to do next. You feel like you are in limbo and can’t move, or you can be restlessly at times and need to curb your inconsistency.


Your natural flirting can get you a partner with no fuse. You like spending time with your friends and family because they are your backbone. But if you are looking for love, you will be best suited with a Libra or an Aquarius. Both of these signs helps flip the switch when you get into one of your moods. The Libra offers you balance, while Aquarius helps you to explore hidden meanings and the world around you.

Sagittarius people though hold a special place in your heart due to the fact they are right across from you on the zodiac wheel. Sagittarius understands you better than any other sign and will help you to be the best you can be. They will show you love and encourage you to jump in the shower with your clothes on just because you can. Gemini and Sagittarius are bonded together in ways only the cosmos knows. If you are looking for your soul mate, look no further than Sagittarius.

However the one sign you should avoid is Virgo. You are far too active for Virgo to be in your life. These people will either hold you down or come up with the worst-case scenarios that make you question your sanity.


Because you are one to talk, and you have to have the mind stimulated often, you need a career that will help you to harness that raw talent of yours. You are skillful and very inventive, so you will need a job that challenges you and keeps you entertained. You aren’t happy in positions where you are doing the same thing over and over you need variety to be happy with your job.

You are best a career that allows you to learn and to teach. That is why you careers in education, writing, and the law interest you. You want the challenge that comes with new possibilities and allows you to speak and be heard. Yet, deciding between practicality and pleasure can be somewhat of a strain for you. You want both worlds and a career that is both fun and exciting but one that you can learn from and grow in your personal life.

You like to get involved in many different things to keep your hands and mind occupied, but you seem to drift from one idea to the next. If you could find a career that allows you travel, you would be set. A career as a rescue worker or stock broker may also interest you as both careers give you the spice you need in your life and will never bore you.


Gemini rules the throat, which shouldn’t surprise you since you are the gabbers of the zodiac. But health issues arise in the throat area more than any other place on your body. You are prone to colds and diseases that affect the throat. It is not uncommon for Gemini’s to suffer from neck and back issues. Thyroid problems may also arise when you get older. And because Gemini’s often speak with their whole body, you might inadvertently throw out your back, so be careful.

If you are wondering why you can’t shake that cough, Gemini also rules the bronchial tubes, and when you get sick, the illness sticks in the chest cavity causing you to cough more which in turn irritates the throat. Gemini, you need to make sure to stock up on cough drops to soothe the irritation or invest in a diffuser to clear the air so you won’t irritate your throat any more than you have to.


Moon in Gemini:

When the moon is in Gemini, you often tend to sputter your words, and you are very quick to give a response. Your response can be either a breath of fresh air or a heated topic to which you know you will win. No one during this time will be able to stand their ground, but when you get nervous, you will find yourself talking away and even ramble at times just to fill the silence with your words. While the things you say will be of importance, you will find yourself having a hard time of stopping once you get started. The moon’s influence on you during this time will be as if everyone is your friend and you won’t have any issues talking your way in and out of situations. When the moon is in Gemini, you may find yourself influencing the people around as your charms come out.

Mercury in Gemini:

Because Mercury rules Gemini, when it is in Gemini, your natural talents shine through and strengthens you. During this time you won’t be as indecisive as you normally are, you will be able to start several projects and know what needs to be done to see them to completion. Facts will be a burden during this time, and you may find yourself going off topic and may be a bit impatient with others. All your talents of generosity and graciousness will come through, and you will be like a beam of light in dark places. This would be the time to get your goals and ideas in order so that you can move forward. Plan a trip or something fun that you have never done before when Mercury is in Gemini. Anything is possible during this time, so seize the moment and don’t worry about what tomorrow will bring.

Venus in Gemini:

Your need to express yourself will be apparent to your friends and to your partner. You will be flirtatious and be able to talk your way out of any situation that is undesired. Your way with words will win people over, and you will shine. During this time, you may find yourself a bit lucky and stumble across money and romantic partnerships. When Venus is in Gemini it will seem like the whole world spins just for you and you will feel things deep down and may even want to put those thoughts down on paper. Don’t be surprised if you turn into a poet during this time.

Mars in Gemini:

Mars is not well placed within this sign and can often lead you into a slump. You will soon realize that you can’t make up your mind, and you feel a bit off. You want to pick fights during this time as your other half takes over and causes imbalances. When Mars is in Gemini, you should do a bit more exercising to keep your mind off other things and to burn the extra energy that Mars provides. You may experience a shorter fuse and find things bothering you more than what they normally would. Don’t let things get out of hand and try to hold your tongue even if it is a challenge for you to do. Mars is very energetic and that stored up energy would be better suited out on the dance floor during a girls night out.

Jupiter in Gemini:

When Jupiter is in Gemini, you may find yourself digging for answers to questions that can’t be answered. You will be experiencing intellectual restlessness which can cause insomnia. You will be incredibly crafty during this time, but may not do anything with the crafts you have made. Instead, they will sit in your closet and collect dust. But doing something is better than doing nothing, and you should keep your hands and mind busy during this time.

Saturn in Gemini:

When Saturn is in Gemini, you will find that you are sharper and clever. You mind will work in ways that will inspire and surprise you. Your mind will be steady and focused giving you the opportunity to finish projects or even get the ball rolling on a lifelong goal or dream. Saturn gives you the direction you need and points you to ideas and people that can help you along the way. Don’t underestimate the forces Saturn throws at you. Be ready and prepared for all the excitement and challenges that you crave during this time. Your mind will be ready, and you will be set up for greatness as long as you don’t fight and do what you do best and that is to roll with the punches.

Uranus in Gemini:

Here you will be endowed with originality and brilliant thinking. Ideas will come to you and flow through you. You should get a pad of paper and a pen to keep with you during this time, as you never know when the next brilliant idea will come up and set you on a path to true enlightenment or adventure. Your attitude will be light and airy with almost a happy go lucky way of thinking and being. Nothing will be able to get you down during this time. Stretch those imagination muscles and go out and see the beautiful things the world has for you. Don’t let anything get in your way.


Gemini: Twins

The Greeks speak of Castor and Pollux, who were half-brothers. Pollux was born of the affair between Zeus and Leda. The brothers grew inseparable as time progressed doing everything together. There was never a time that the two weren’t separated until one day Castor was killed. Pollux, grief-stricken took his life as he felt the hole in his life that could never be filled. To honor his son, Zeus put him in the sky along with his half-brother to forever be side by side and never be separated again.

Gemini is one of the few constellations that actually look like twins in the night sky. Gemini is one of the 48 constellations described by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy. Gemini is super easy to spot in the night sky and is located northeast of Orion, and between Taurus and Cancer. The first thing you will see is the two bright stars that make up the heads of Castor and Pollux from Greek mythology.

The two brightest stars — also named Castor and Pollux — represent the heads of the twins, while fainter stars outline the two bodies. Pollux and orange giant star (35 light-years) is the brighter of the twins and from Greek mythology is said to be the first brother to die. Castor is a sextuple star system (50 light-years). Another noteworthy star is Mekbuda, a super-giant star with a radius that is about 220,000 times the size of the Sun.


The colors that best suit you are green and yellow. The color green represents the most serious side of your personality while the color yellow is the representation of your cheerful carefree personality. Both blend naturally together and come in a variety of shades that mimic your nature.

Your Birthstones are Emerald and Agate


May 21 is when Gemini transitions from Taurus. People born during the first seven days during the transition may be a bit sterner and grounded due to Taurus’ influence on Gemini. People born during this cusp have the influences of both signs. They can often be stubborn and will hold their ground with their beliefs. But when Gemini transitions into Cancer, Gemini begins to feel more and express themselves more. They start to care more about people and how others are feeling than themselves. The transition to Cancer is like the Gemini have lost their other half and a piece of them. They begin to feel more and may even begin to be clingy to their partners and family members.

If you were born on the cusp of Gemini transitioning to Cancer, you will notice that your heart overrules your head at times. That you are more emotional and may even keep to yourself more and don’t express your thoughts the way people born in the middle of Gemini do. There might be an increased sensitivity to other people and their needs. More time will be given to thinking, and you may find yourself with a stronger intuition than you had before. If you were born during the cusp, trust your gut as it will never lead you astray.

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