ARIES March 21 through April 19.
Aries, you are represented by The Ram, and you are the first of the twelve zodiac constellations. The planet Mars rules Aries. When you look at Greek mythology, Mars was the god of war and ambition. With such a demanding planet ruling over you, it is no wonder you have the qualities and traits that you do. You are the first for everything and are considered a natural born leader. You stand out in the crowd and have the drive to succeed. While you may be the first to start a project, you hardly ever have the patience to complete one.
You are direct in your approach to life and people. You never beat around the bush and tend to say precisely what is one your mind. You have the ability to adapt and cope with whatever life throws at you in a straightforward manner that sets you apart from the rest of your Zodiac brothers and sisters. You strip away anything and everything that isn’t important or vital to your life. If someone or something does not have a purpose, you drop it like a bag of brick. You see things clearly, and no one can pull the wool over your eyes or fool you. You are less likely to jump at scams. In fact, you are more apt to contact the scam artist and give them a piece of your mind.
Aries begins on March 21st, but for the next seven days, you won’t come into your full power. Meaning, those more undesirable traits of being bossy won’t show up until the end of the month. People born on the cusp of Aries are still ambitious but are less aggressive than those born in the middle of the Aries zodiac sign. Aries will start to lose its flare from April 14th and for seven days it will gradually lose some of its less desirable traits as it transitions into the next sign.
Being and Aries, and having the ruling planet of Mars you tended to have a “me first” attitude. Of course, you are the first of the zodiac signs and that attitude also comes along with being the eldest sibling in the zodiac family. For some that can be considered as being selfish, which let’s face it, you are. You are the first to do everything and proud to do so because you feel it is your birth right.
You want to make an impression on everyone and will often add your two cents whenever possible. It doesn’t matter if it is in the middle of a board meeting or a date, you like to talk and give the facts. You also like to correct people. If someone does something that displeases you, you have no issues saying so. You aren’t one to sugar coat anything.
Achievement to you is vital and when you get your mind set on something it must be started. Granted, you are the starter, the beginner of everything, finishing, on the other hand, is, not your strong suit. There are no “if”, “and”, or “but” with you, and your impatience is legend.
Aries, unfortunately, you are always the one to cause a scene or storm off when things don’t go your way. You can play nice with other people, as long as those people see things your way. Luckily, though, you are not one to hold on to a grudge because you are usually off doing other things. As an Aries, you are always thinking two steps ahead and grudges are beneath you, but laziness is not. You are aggressive and competitive to a fault.
You are quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, fool hearty and somewhat of a daredevil. An excellent example of an Aries is Barney from the television show “How I Meant Your Mother.” He is an extreme example of an Aries, but an Aries none-the-less. Barney only thinks of himself and when he accepts a “challenge” he does everything in his power to complete it. But like Barney, you too can get a little out of control and need to find balance in your life. Ever wonder why his friends are the way they are? They calm him and bring him to his senses because they too represent other zodiac signs that complement Aries.
But you are adventurous, energetic, courageous, confident and quick-witted. Your enthusiasm is what draws people to you. Your go-get-them attitude lures people to you, and they want what you do. They too are just looking for a good time that is filled with excitement and adventure. However, you like everyone else have flaws. It isn’t your bossiness that is your biggest flaw. Your number one weakness is that you tend to talk too much. You let yourself get carried away because you have to be first and show your strengths. This can sometimes be a burden to you, after all, you are filled with ideas that can help people if they would just listen.
No matter if you are an Aries man or woman, there is never a lack of excitement and adventure for you. You can make the most boring ideas come to life. You have the spunk that gets the parties started. As an Aries, you are hot-blooded and forceful due to your element of Fire. You need freedom and pinning you down won’t keep you around.
At the beginning of a relationship with you, the sparks fly like the Fourth of July and the earth moves. But, if you can’t handle the surprises this sign throws at you, it would be best to drop the relationship early on. Passion is never a problem with Aries, but you thrive on excitement, and as long as you can find that special someone who will play hard to get all the time, you will find your happy ever after, Aries. You love the thrill of the hunt, and a relationship must offer you surprises and make you feel like you have a partner and an equal, not just a trophy.
Because you are short tempered, jealousy tends to run deep, especially when you feel that a person or thing belongs to you. When you mate, it is with one person. You are not a player and don’t have the time for such games. Granted you don’t mind playing games as long as your partner comes home with you, and only you. You don’t have time for flimsy and wishy-washy people. You are looking for someone who is true, and transparent as you are.
When wooing an Aries, bring them honeysuckle as it is one of the flowers that represent this sign.
Friends come and go, but for an Aries, long lasting friendship is found with people born in their own period. However, they can build strong relationships with other people who are Libra’s. Aries is opposite of Libra’s on the Zodiac chart, and they will complement each other very well. Aries usually finds their soulmates with Libra born. There are a few exceptions, though. People born between July 21 and August 20-27 and from November 21 to December 20-27 bring out the best in Aries. Because Aries seem to buck and resent all forms of criticism, the only way to get to them is by quiet logic, reason, and proof. That is why Libras are so well matched for a fiery Aries.
Aries tend to engulf their lives with hard work so that they can play even harder. Aries are not willing to sit behind a desk all day and waste their time or their talents. Their careers must be something that they feel passionate about, one that challenges them and allows them to put their natural born talents to use.
Many Aries are activists, and if a business venture comes their way, they tend to jump right on it. They aren’t ones to let a good thing slip away. They will pour their heart and souls into a project. Once they find a calling or just cause, they will do everything in their power to see it flourish. Because of their quick response time, Aries are more than willing to take a risk in order to follow their dreams and passions.
However, due to their short attention spans, if they don’t see the results they expected in a short amount of time, they will lose interest and drop the project. That is why they are notorious for starting things, but never able to finish them. The work that comes with neutering and idea takes too much out of them, and they grow bored. If it wasn’t for their wits, and reasoning, they would always jump into a “get rich quick scheme” due to the uncertainty of such investments. Luckily, though, they see right through scams like that.
The Best Jobs Suited for Your Personality:
Because of your courage and adventurous attitude you need a job that will keep you on your feet. You want something that will test your merit and physical attributes. The best career suited for your sign is police officers, firefighters or any part of the armed forces. You thrive on the thrill of saving the day, not to mention the attention that comes with the title.
Becoming a part of something greater than yourself is your inner desire. Another great job for an Aries, should you be born on the cusp of another sign is a career in engineering or the sciences. However, if you are born in the heart of the Aries, you can’t resist the urge to be in charge and have people do exactly what you tell them to do. That being said, you might find yourself in governing positions like a Mayor or Chief of Police or even a politician so that you will be front and center in front of thousands of people looking up to you.
You are the top of the class and smart. You can usually outwit other people before they even know what you have done. Aries rules the head and brain, which shouldn’t surprise you since it is the head that comes out first during childbirth.
Because you are the head of the zodiac and body, it is known for Aries to have issues with headaches, insomnia and prone to sunstroke and depression. Nervous disorders may also wreak havoc and your rashness, and physical attributes make you liable to accidents or physical injuries. You should also consider resting and napping to keep your body and mind in top condition.
You like extremes whether it is a Spartan Race or emotional connection to your partners. However, your extremism gets out of hand and goes beyond other people’s comfort zones, and you may find yourself lonely.
Mars is the Aries’ ruling planet. Mars influences the people of this sign to have an active life, constantly giving them the stored energy to keep on going. Now would be the time to show the world what you are made of and make your mark. You will be restless so hitting the gym more often will help with the overflow of energy you have. If you are involved in sports, the better since your competitive nature will help you win the game. However, Mars isn’t the only planet to have an effect on you.
Although the Moon isn’t a planet, it does influence you to a degree. Your reactions are quick, and your emotions are all over the place. You may find yourself responding to situations a bit too dramatically and with too much haste.
When Mercury is in Aries, you will find yourself with a knack for assessing problems and situations with a straightforward way of thinking. You won’t tolerate fools or anyone who wants to waste time. Now is the perfect opportunity to begin a new project and possibly see it to completion.
When Venus is in Aries, you will be very passionate. Your sex drive will be through the roof. You will need a partner who can keep up with your desires. During this time, you will have to be fragile with your finances as you will find yourself wanting to take bigger risks than usual. Venus will influence your passion for a project even though it could be a financial blunder. Stay focused and don’t let your heart rule your head.
When Jupiter is in Aries, you adventurous nature will be biting at the bit to escape. You will want to take off and explore uncharted territory. The call of freedom will be shouting in your ears driving you to get out and go.
If Saturn streaks through Aries, be on guard. Saturn and Aries are not the happiest of couples. In fact, you may find yourself with a lot of aggression. That inner voice will be nagging and pushing you to do things you know you wouldn’t normally do. Try to step back and keep yourself busy with other projects that you know won’t bring out your aggression.
Uranus is typically a nervous planet, but you Aries are assertive. When Uranus is in Aries, you will find yourself balanced. Things that generally bother you will be brushed off as you assess the situation with a clear head and direct your motives in a positive direction.
Have you ever wondered why your sign is the Ram? The ram is based off the Chrysomallus, a flying ram that has been known to have the Golden Fleece from mythology. The exact same Golden Fleece that Jason stole.
The story of Aries as told in Greek mythology:
“Legend has it that when King Athamus of Boetia took a second wife, Ino, she was extremely jealous and resentful of his existing children, especially his son, Phrixus. She therefore deviously plotted the failure of the corn crop, intercepted and bribed the messenger sent by her husband to consult an oracle on the matter, and instructed him to say that he had been told that Phrixus had to be sacrificed if the people were to escape starvation.
Despite pleadings from the boy’s mother, Nephele, King Athamus agreed to the sacrifice but, at the very last minute, the boy and his sister, Helle, were saved by a magnificent ram with a golden fleece, sent by Zeus in answer to their mother’s prayers.
Unfortunately, as the ram crossed the narrow stretch of water between Europe and Asia, Helle fell to her death (the straits are still known as Hellespont), but Phrixus was carried safely to the land of Colchis. He gave thanks for his deliverance by sacrificing the ram to Zeus and giving its golden fleece to King Aeetes.
The king had the fleece placed in a sacred copse, guarded by a fearsome serpent-like dragon which never slept and coiled around the fleece for protection. Phrixus later married the king’s daughter and remained in exile for the rest of his life, but the fleece was eventually stolen by Jason.
Roughly 2000 years ago, the vernal equinox was in the constellation Aries. This is no longer the case, due to the precession of the earth’s axis, but Aries is still regarded as the first constellation in the zodiac.”
Because the Ram had served its purpose and saved the child, Zeus shifted the stars to what we now know as Aries the Ram. Aries is a mid-size constellation and only ranks 39th in size among the 88 modern-day constellations. It is located in the northern hemisphere between Pisces and to the west of Taurus in the east. It only has an area of 441 square degrees. The constellation only has four bright stars, Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim, and 41 Arietis.
Although the constellation was recognized as the “Golden Fleece” from Greek mythology, the constellation has been a ram since the late Babylonian times. Several meteor showers appear to come from Aries. The constellation was the first to be cataloged by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.
We now know that the constellation Aries has five stars with known planets. Aries may be an ancient constellation, but it wasn’t officially recognized until 1922. Aries is best viewed in December. One of Aries main stars, Alpha Arietis an orange giant, has one planet with a mass greater than Jupiter.
Aries are best complimented with all shades of red, and this includes rose, pink and crimson and a dark orange. However, if an Aries is ill, light cool colors of blue and violent will be soothing and welcoming.
The birth stones for Aries are Rubies, Garnets, and Bloodstones, all bright and vibrant red stones.
As Aries begins to transition into the next sign, Taurus, some of their more dominant traits will seem to fade like twilight into night. The progression is slow and takes about seven to nine days for the Aries traits to shift to the next sign.
People born on the cusp of Taurus may seem gentler than those born in the middle of Aries but make no mistake. Taurus may not be the most glamorous of the entire Zodiac, especially when you see a grazing bull in the midst of an open field. But those gentle giants pack a punch and have the weight behind them to back it up. When Aries transitions into Taurus, Aries becomes stronger, and their senses are heightened. They may not be as full of themselves, but they know that they are gladiators. After all, a bull is much stronger than a ram.
The preppy style of a hard core Aries becomes subtle and subdued by the up and coming Taurus. The tempers that once flared are now grounded and even though you may want to pick a fight and win the game, Taurus knows when to walk away and let the problems of the world drift away.