You are a unique individual. One that is hard to define as your personality always shifts and changes like the seasons. You can be expressive and eccentric then turn around and become moody and uncaring. You display good manners and are charming as well as impressive. You have an air that surrounds you and draws people to you.
You love your freedom and seek adventure. You can’t be tied down to the modern world as your mind is constantly shifting to new ideas.
You are incredibly sensitive and will find that your feelings get hurt a lot. Although unintentional, you still feel more than any other sign in the zodiac and take things to heart. You can be seen as over-reacting and dramatic at times, especially when you get angry luckily, though, you don’t hold a grudge and get over things quickly.
You learn fast and can pick up on things quickly. You are very intuitive and can remember details about things that others overlook. You are great at listening yet always seem to be dancing to a different drum as you strive to be different and make a difference. You are one of the friendliest people and care greatly for your friends and family.
You are highly inventive and unpredictable. You may find yourself saying one thing and doing the complete opposite.
For some, you come off as being a rebel and have a stubborn streak that is unmatched. You can also be emotionally oblivious which will put you at odds with other signs. On the plus side, however, you want to help others. You are the first to jump in when problems arise even if you have no clue as to how to help, you are ready and willing to do so. You need a conductor, someone who will tell you what to do but do so in a caring manner.
You are supportive and faithful when you are in the right relationship. However, you are not one to be tied down. You enjoy your freedom too much and handling emotions is not something that you are very good at.
You have a very trustworthy nature and are very intelligent as well as entertaining which is why people are drawn to you in the first place. Yet, your points of view and opinions can be overbearing with a hint of stubbornness. While you are straightforward, you are also very unpredictable.
When you are in a relationship you require a lot of “me” time and will often seclude yourself away from those you love to get some space and breathing room. For some, this habit of escaping can come off as ignoring and evading the situations that arise. You are one to hold your cards close to you chest and not reveal what you have, even to those closest to you.
You match well with like minded individuals like Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.
Libra offers you the balance and logical thinking that will help you remain grounded in your everyday life. However, their temperament can set you off at times and push you away.
Gemini offers you the mental stimulation you love and always provides you with conversation, but they tend to pry into your life too much. You and Gemini though share a special connection that will transcend many different levels and bring you both happiness.
Sagittarius brings out your spontaneity and revels in your ability to be zany. However, they can be a bit overbearing when they get mad which turns you away, but you makeup quickly and let the issues go.
Aries blazes the path for you and when it comes to your projects and dreams helps you achieve those goals in a practical way. Although they tend to move a lot faster than you and will get frustrated by your lack of determination in their eyes.
Your ultimate partner though is a liked minded Aquarius. You will find complete harmony with someone just like you. When you pair with another Aquarius, both of you understand the need for space and don’t take offense when one or the other goes off to their private area. You know they will return and all is well.
Your absolute worst match is a Taurus. You are too wild and free for the grounded and down to earth Taurus. Your ideas and spirit will drive the Taurus up the wall. Taurus’ are too conservative for you and will probe for your inner secrets that you just don’t want to share.
Due to your friendly nature, you have a humanitarian heart and soul. You are loyal and independent as well as overly optimistic. You always see the bright side of people and situations.
You are best suited for a career that will allow you to have your own space and freedom. Careers in the sciences and technology interest you and you may very well be the first to come up with a new app or discovery. You don’t mind getting into the thick of things and would do well in a self-starting business that allows you absolute control and creativity.
Your health is overall in good standing. You do however tend to excess in foods so your diet needs to be watched carefully. It is very important that you exercise to maintain your fitness level. Your sign rules over the ankles and calves so a regiment that builds these parts is important. You are fond of sports but you need routine in order to maintain your conditioning.
Moon in Aquarius:
When the moon is in Aquarius you will be magnetically attractive and send out signals that you are cool and distant. You may come across as being on the defense and want to be perceived as enigmatic and mysterious.
Your emotions are controlled during this time and your reactions will be totally unexpected and you may even do things on the spur of the moment. One minute you may be wanting to go out to the night club and once you get there, find something else that sparks your fancy and do that instead. There is no stopping you and your creative juices will flow freely allowing you to experience an array of different things. Don’t be surprised if those around call out “squirrel” and your attention drifts elsewhere. You will be all over the place, but that is just part of your personality that comes out when the Moon is in Aquarius.
You will find yourself drawn to glamorous things be it in the clothes you wear or the items you find in the store that you just can’t live without. During this time you might even begin to show your romantic side and set up a dinner for two on a rooftop or park. When the moon is in Aquarius you may find yourself floating in creativity and have sparks of genius ideas both in your professional life as well as your private. Those moments should be celebrated and seen to completion as you never know where they might take you in your personal or professional life.
Your humanitarian traits that are linked with kindness will be evident and contributed to helping those around you. Just try to understand that you can’t help everyone all the time as you may find yourself overwhelmed. Pick the projects that you know will impact people the most and let the other ones go for now. The last thing you want to do during this time is to run away and hide.
Mercury in Aquarius:
You will be free with your opinions and ideas as your mind buzzes with originality. Your mind will be quick and you will begin to see patterns and solutions to problems that others don’t pick up on. Naturally, people come to you for help and you do your best to do so. When Mercury is in Aquarius you will be able to help them even more by sensing the underlying problem and direct them to the right course of action, even if this is something that is seen as “out of the box.”
You may become a bit stubborn when Mercury is in Aquarius as well as perverse and slightly hysterical under stress. Try to avoid that kind of situation during this time and all will be well. However, you will be friendly and helpful and keep your cool even if it feels a bit uncomfortable for you. You may find yourself fascinated by particular studies or hobbies and be attracted to the deep past, including past lives or the distant future. But as the saying goes: Don’t look so far into the future that you can’t see today.
Venus in Aquarius:
Admiration will be fully enjoyed, but you may express some conflict that can arise between the need for a relationship and the sacrifices that are needed for such unions. During this time you may want a partnership just for the sake of having one, but you don’t want the baggage that comes along with such unions.
You may find yourself spending extravagantly on items for yourself or your home when Venus is in Aquarius.Just be sure to take note of how much you really can spend before maxing out your credit cards or blowing through your savings account.
Mars in Aquarius:
Your need for independence and freedom during this time is paramount. You will have an unconventional streak that will come off as zaniness. Don’t be surprised if you are prone to embarrassing moments when Mars is in Aquarius.
You will find that you are stubborn and unreasonable at times and you may find yourself with an element of the pioneering spirit. Try to seek out new and exciting adventures whether it be a restaurant you always wanted to try or new foods. You could even go as far as planning a vacation to a new place that sparks your fancy.
When Mars is in Aquarius it would be a good idea for you to seek some sort of exercise that will help you with your high energy levels and keep your body and mind balanced.
Jupiter in Aquarius
You will find that when Jupiter is in Aquarius you have an unusual and splendid imagination and there will be no lack of originality. Jupiter will endow you with powerful humanitarian traits and will give you the need to express those traits in a positive manner.
You will feel that justice must be upheld and will take the lead so that the wrongs are righted. You might also find yourself a bit impartial yet tolerant. Your sense of humor may border on the eccentric and be quite unpredictable.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn ruled over Aquarius before Uranus was accepted into the astrological chart, hence Saturn still has some hold over you. You may find yourself setting the bar high for yourself during this time but you will have no issues reaching those heights.
When you set your mind on something it is very hard for you to see or notice the other points of views. During this time you will find yourself at odds with yourself and others. On one hand, you want security and the other seeks adventure and independence.
You may find yourself closed off from others which will bring you loneliness but as long as you have a way to express yourself and get out all your frustrations you will find balance and serenity.
Uranus in Aquarius
Uranus is your ruling planet that sparks your humanitarian and kind nature. You have a considerable inventiveness about you as well as originality and a flair for self-expression. You will have a keen sense for raising money for charity when Uranus is in Aquarius and helping to ease the suffering of others will be your top priority during this time. You will have the mindset to get things accomplished in a practical and logical way.
Aquarius is one of the faintest of the zodiac constellations that can be seen from the celestial equator to the southern hemisphere. Yet it is one of the oldest ever recorded. It is surrounded by Pegasus Equuleus and Delphinus to the north and Aquila to the west. Capricornus is at its south-western border and Piscis Austrinus and Sculptor due south and is the 10th largest constellation in the sky, even though it is very difficult to see with the naked eye. Translated Aquarius means “Water Bearer” in Latin.
The brightest star in the Aquarius constellation is a rare yellow supergiant known as beta Aquarii, or also known as Sadalsuud which is translated to “Lucky, star of the King”. It is 600 light-years away and has a magnitude of 2.9, which is very low.
Aquarius also boasts the closest of all planetary nebulae — NGC 7293, or the Helix Nebula — which is just 400 light-years from Earth.
To the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, Aquarius was the god that brought the rains for planting. However, the Babylonians saw Aquarius as a curse perhaps due to the monsoon rain that it would bring.
According to Greek mythology, Aquarius was the young man named Ganymede and was the object of Zeus’ affection and brought water up to Mount Olympus, where he served as cup bearer to the gods and was granted eternal youth.
The color that best suits you is red.
Your birthstone are Garnet, Amethyst, Amber and Hematite.
When Aquarius transitions into Pisces things can become a bit scattered and you will find that your emotions flow more freely. You will find this time confusing and will begin to rely more on your intuition than normal. It is not surprising that you will begin to feel the earth tremble under you as your sign transitions into Pisces.
You may even find yourself wearing different styles as Pisces begins to come into the picture. There will be temperamental changes that will be gradual. You will find yourself softening up and your romantic side will begin to show up. You will find that your outfits will be softer more flowing and delicate.
You may even experience that your eccentric side is fading away and may begin to feel that you aren’t as special as you thought you were. But don’t worry, you are just as friendly and unique as ever. All you need to do is embrace the changes and believe that you did it all on your own and the changes that occur are all part of your master plan.
You are a unique individual. One that is hard to define as your personality always shifts and changes like the seasons. You can be expressive and eccentric then turn around and become moody and uncaring. You display good manners and are charming as well as impressive. You have an air that surrounds you and draws people to you.
You love your freedom and seek adventure. You can’t be tied down to the modern world as your mind is constantly shifting to new ideas.
You are incredibly sensitive and will find that your feelings get hurt a lot. Although unintentional, you still feel more than any other sign in the zodiac and take things to heart. You can be seen as over-reacting and dramatic at times, especially when you get angry luckily, though, you don’t hold a grudge and get over things quickly.
You learn fast and can pick up on things quickly. You are very intuitive and can remember details about things that others overlook. You are great at listening yet always seem to be dancing to a different drum as you strive to be different and make a difference. You are one of the friendliest people and care greatly for your friends and family.
You are highly inventive and unpredictable. You may find yourself saying one thing and doing the complete opposite.
For some, you come off as being a rebel and have a stubborn streak that is unmatched. You can also be emotionally oblivious which will put you at odds with other signs. On the plus side, however, you want to help others. You are the first to jump in when problems arise even if you have no clue as to how to help, you are ready and willing to do so. You need a conductor, someone who will tell you what to do but do so in a caring manner.
You are supportive and faithful when you are in the right relationship. However, you are not one to be tied down. You enjoy your freedom too much and handling emotions is not something that you are very good at.
You have a very trustworthy nature and are very intelligent as well as entertaining which is why people are drawn to you in the first place. Yet, your points of view and opinions can be overbearing with a hint of stubbornness. While you are straightforward, you are also very unpredictable.
When you are in a relationship you require a lot of “me” time and will often seclude yourself away from those you love to get some space and breathing room. For some, this habit of escaping can come off as ignoring and evading the situations that arise. You are one to hold your cards close to you chest and not reveal what you have, even to those closest to you.
You match well with like minded individuals like Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.
Libra offers you the balance and logical thinking that will help you remain grounded in your everyday life. However, their temperament can set you off at times and push you away.
Gemini offers you the mental stimulation you love and always provides you with conversation, but they tend to pry into your life too much. You and Gemini though share a special connection that will transcend many different levels and bring you both happiness.
Sagittarius brings out your spontaneity and revels in your ability to be zany. However, they can be a bit overbearing when they get mad which turns you away, but you makeup quickly and let the issues go.
Aries blazes the path for you and when it comes to your projects and dreams helps you achieve those goals in a practical way. Although they tend to move a lot faster than you and will get frustrated by your lack of determination in their eyes.
Your ultimate partner though is a liked minded Aquarius. You will find complete harmony with someone just like you. When you pair with another Aquarius, both of you understand the need for space and don’t take offense when one or the other goes off to their private area. You know they will return and all is well.
Your absolute worst match is a Taurus. You are too wild and free for the grounded and down to earth Taurus. Your ideas and spirit will drive the Taurus up the wall. Taurus’ are too conservative for you and will probe for your inner secrets that you just don’t want to share.
Due to your friendly nature, you have a humanitarian heart and soul. You are loyal and independent as well as overly optimistic. You always see the bright side of people and situations.
You are best suited for a career that will allow you to have your own space and freedom. Careers in the sciences and technology interest you and you may very well be the first to come up with a new app or discovery. You don’t mind getting into the thick of things and would do well in a self-starting business that allows you absolute control and creativity.
Your health is overall in good standing. You do however tend to excess in foods so your diet needs to be watched carefully. It is very important that you exercise to maintain your fitness level. Your sign rules over the ankles and calves so a regiment that builds these parts is important. You are fond of sports but you need routine in order to maintain your conditioning.
Moon in Aquarius:
When the moon is in Aquarius you will be magnetically attractive and send out signals that you are cool and distant. You may come across as being on the defense and want to be perceived as enigmatic and mysterious.
Your emotions are controlled during this time and your reactions will be totally unexpected and you may even do things on the spur of the moment. One minute you may be wanting to go out to the night club and once you get there, find something else that sparks your fancy and do that instead. There is no stopping you and your creative juices will flow freely allowing you to experience an array of different things. Don’t be surprised if those around call out “squirrel” and your attention drifts elsewhere. You will be all over the place, but that is just part of your personality that comes out when the Moon is in Aquarius.
You will find yourself drawn to glamorous things be it in the clothes you wear or the items you find in the store that you just can’t live without. During this time you might even begin to show your romantic side and set up a dinner for two on a rooftop or park. When the moon is in Aquarius you may find yourself floating in creativity and have sparks of genius ideas both in your professional life as well as your private. Those moments should be celebrated and seen to completion as you never know where they might take you in your personal or professional life.
Your humanitarian traits that are linked with kindness will be evident and contributed to helping those around you. Just try to understand that you can’t help everyone all the time as you may find yourself overwhelmed. Pick the projects that you know will impact people the most and let the other ones go for now. The last thing you want to do during this time is to run away and hide.
Mercury in Aquarius:
You will be free with your opinions and ideas as your mind buzzes with originality. Your mind will be quick and you will begin to see patterns and solutions to problems that others don’t pick up on. Naturally, people come to you for help and you do your best to do so. When Mercury is in Aquarius you will be able to help them even more by sensing the underlying problem and direct them to the right course of action, even if this is something that is seen as “out of the box.”
You may become a bit stubborn when Mercury is in Aquarius as well as perverse and slightly hysterical under stress. Try to avoid that kind of situation during this time and all will be well. However, you will be friendly and helpful and keep your cool even if it feels a bit uncomfortable for you. You may find yourself fascinated by particular studies or hobbies and be attracted to the deep past, including past lives or the distant future. But as the saying goes: Don’t look so far into the future that you can’t see today.
Venus in Aquarius:
Admiration will be fully enjoyed, but you may express some conflict that can arise between the need for a relationship and the sacrifices that are needed for such unions. During this time you may want a partnership just for the sake of having one, but you don’t want the baggage that comes along with such unions.
You may find yourself spending extravagantly on items for yourself or your home when Venus is in Aquarius.Just be sure to take note of how much you really can spend before maxing out your credit cards or blowing through your savings account.
Mars in Aquarius:
Your need for independence and freedom during this time is paramount. You will have an unconventional streak that will come off as zaniness. Don’t be surprised if you are prone to embarrassing moments when Mars is in Aquarius.
You will find that you are stubborn and unreasonable at times and you may find yourself with an element of the pioneering spirit. Try to seek out new and exciting adventures whether it be a restaurant you always wanted to try or new foods. You could even go as far as planning a vacation to a new place that sparks your fancy.
When Mars is in Aquarius it would be a good idea for you to seek some sort of exercise that will help you with your high energy levels and keep your body and mind balanced.
Jupiter in Aquarius
You will find that when Jupiter is in Aquarius you have an unusual and splendid imagination and there will be no lack of originality. Jupiter will endow you with powerful humanitarian traits and will give you the need to express those traits in a positive manner.
You will feel that justice must be upheld and will take the lead so that the wrongs are righted. You might also find yourself a bit impartial yet tolerant. Your sense of humor may border on the eccentric and be quite unpredictable.
Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn ruled over Aquarius before Uranus was accepted into the astrological chart, hence Saturn still has some hold over you. You may find yourself setting the bar high for yourself during this time but you will have no issues reaching those heights.
When you set your mind on something it is very hard for you to see or notice the other points of views. During this time you will find yourself at odds with yourself and others. On one hand, you want security and the other seeks adventure and independence.
You may find yourself closed off from others which will bring you loneliness but as long as you have a way to express yourself and get out all your frustrations you will find balance and serenity.
Uranus in Aquarius
Uranus is your ruling planet that sparks your humanitarian and kind nature. You have a considerable inventiveness about you as well as originality and a flair for self-expression. You will have a keen sense for raising money for charity when Uranus is in Aquarius and helping to ease the suffering of others will be your top priority during this time. You will have the mindset to get things accomplished in a practical and logical way.
Aquarius is one of the faintest of the zodiac constellations that can be seen from the celestial equator to the southern hemisphere. Yet it is one of the oldest ever recorded. It is surrounded by Pegasus Equuleus and Delphinus to the north and Aquila to the west. Capricornus is at its south-western border and Piscis Austrinus and Sculptor due south and is the 10th largest constellation in the sky, even though it is very difficult to see with the naked eye. Translated Aquarius means “Water Bearer” in Latin.
The brightest star in the Aquarius constellation is a rare yellow supergiant known as beta Aquarii, or also known as Sadalsuud which is translated to “Lucky, star of the King”. It is 600 light-years away and has a magnitude of 2.9, which is very low.
Aquarius also boasts the closest of all planetary nebulae — NGC 7293, or the Helix Nebula — which is just 400 light-years from Earth.
To the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, Aquarius was the god that brought the rains for planting. However, the Babylonians saw Aquarius as a curse perhaps due to the monsoon rain that it would bring.
According to Greek mythology, Aquarius was the young man named Ganymede and was the object of Zeus’ affection and brought water up to Mount Olympus, where he served as cup bearer to the gods and was granted eternal youth.
The color that best suits you is red.
Your birthstone are Garnet, Amethyst, Amber and Hematite.
When Aquarius transitions into Pisces things can become a bit scattered and you will find that your emotions flow more freely. You will find this time confusing and will begin to rely more on your intuition than normal. It is not surprising that you will begin to feel the earth tremble under you as your sign transitions into Pisces.
You may even find yourself wearing different styles as Pisces begins to come into the picture. There will be temperamental changes that will be gradual. You will find yourself softening up and your romantic side will begin to show up. You will find that your outfits will be softer more flowing and delicate.
You may even experience that your eccentric side is fading away and may begin to feel that you aren’t as special as you thought you were. But don’t worry, you are just as friendly and unique as ever. All you need to do is embrace the changes and believe that you did it all on your own and the changes that occur are all part of your master plan.