You definitely know your sun sign-it’s determined by your birth day and it’s the horoscope you probably check at least once a week. You might even know your moon sign, which reveals the pieces of ourselves that we may try to hide from the world. But you may not be aware of your rising sign, despite its importance!
Your rising sign is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. If you know your exact birth time, you can calculate it to the exact degree. This is important, because unlike the sun and moon sign, your rising sign represents an exact moment in time: the very minute that your life began. Doing your birth chart will reveal your rising sign and what it means for you. Here are five reasons you need to know your rising sign:
- It’s just as significant as your sun and moon signs.
Because your rising sign is determined by the precise minute and place that you were born, it reflects the environment and culture that you were born into at the time. This plays a huge part in how we were raised and shapes the person that we grow to be.
- It governs first impressions.
Our rising sign influences how we act in any new situation: exploring a new place, starting a new job, meeting new people. It has an impact on the way that people perceive us when we first encounter them. Understanding what kind of impression you make can help us change or improve upon those impressions. It can also help us understand why people might perceive us differently than we perceive ourselves.
- It affects our appearance.
Our rising sign can affect both our personal style choices and how we adorn our physical body. For example, we may be drawn to certain styles of clothing, and we might dye our hair specific colors or want certain piercings. Learning more about your rising sign just might give you a jolt of fashion inspiration-and an excuse to go shopping!
- It influences our mannerisms.
Everything from our tone of voice to our body language to our nervous habits-your rising sign affects all of them! If you’re frustrated because you think your body language makes your appear closed off, or because you find it difficult to act polite or graceful in stressful situations, look to your rising sign to understand where those mannerisms come from.
- It can be a “mask” that we present to the world.
Some say that influence of our rising sign lessens as we grow older and become more confident in who we are. This is because our rising sign can function as a “mask”: it doesn’t say everything about who we truly are, and it can take other people time to get past our masks. Learning about which “mask” you might be wearing can help you learn to truly open up and let yourself become more vulnerable.