What’s in store for your love life in 2017? That’s the big question on everyone’s mind right now, so naturally, you might be curious enough to look to the stars for an answer. Truthfully, no one can tell you exactly who you’ll meet or what kind of relationships you’ll have. Some things will always be left up to chance. However, the cosmos can give you a few hints about what could happen. On January 3, Venus, the planet that has the biggest influence on our love lives, moves into Pisces. Are you wondering what this dreamy combination could mean for your relationship status? Well, you’re right to wonder: there’s a lot of potential here, and this combo could make a big impact! Here are a few things to look out for:
- You’ll probably be extra flirty.
And hopefully, someone that you’ve got your eye on will take notice! Pisces is often thought of as a shy, quiet sign, but they have a deeply romantic side, so they can actually be surprisingly flirty! If you meet someone who you’re into, don’t hold back! This is the perfect time to let them know. The influence of both Venus and Pisces will encourage you to put yourself out there.
- Be careful-you could get hurt easily.
Sure, Pisces isn’t afraid to go for what they want when it comes to love-but they can also get hurt very easily. Pisces is just prone to heartbreak. Under Venus in Pisces, you might have some very high expectations-which means you could end up facing some huge let downs. You need to be patient with yourself and be realistic in what you can expect from other people. You can’t ask for the moon, and you can’t ask for the stars. You need to understand what they can actually give you.
- When you fall, you’ll fall hard.
There’s no such thing as a “crush” when Venus is in Pisces. It’s all or nothing. It’s fireworks and sleepless nights. When you fall, you’ll fall harder than you ever have before. So who knows-if you meet someone when Venus is in Pisces, and they feel the same way, it might just be the one! But do your best to remember that you might fall really hard for someone who DOESN’T feel the same way, and it could lead to some serious heartbreak. Surround yourself with people who will care about you no matter what.
- You may find yourself attracted to needy people.
Pisces loves to help others. And this means that when Venus is in Pisces, you might find yourself attracted to people who are desperately in need of a caring presence in their lives. By all means, help those who need it-but be careful that you’re not enabling others or being taken advantage of. Sometimes, it can be very difficult to tell the difference-especially under the influence of Pisces. Be careful about who you choose to expend your time, energy, and effort on-would they return the favor?