When you first learn a bit about astrology, it all sounds pretty simple. You read the horoscope for your zodiac sign, you find out a little more about your moon sign and your rising sign, and you start to think about who you’re really compatible with. But as you start digging deeper, it can seem really complicated!
You start noticing how your mood changes based on the movement of the planets and the phases of the moon. Sometimes, you’ll feel compatible with a certain sign, while other times, you’re complete opposites. You struggle to see the patterns the universe lays out for us, and you find yourself looking up at the sky, wondering just how to make sense of it all when there are so many factors to consider on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis…you get the idea!
To complicate matters further, the position of the planets in relation to each other also affects us. And the terms astrologers use to describe these relationships might sound like complete gibberish when you first encounter them. Maybe you’re looking at an astrology forecast that talks about “Sun conjunct Mercury.” Or you see that two planets will be “in opposition.” These terms can be confusing, so here’s a quick guide to the astrological aspects:
An aspect is an angle that the planets make to each other within the horoscope. They are measured in degrees. These aspects can have different effects on us.
- Conjunction: 0 degrees.
The conjunction is known as a “harmonious” aspect. This means that it has a positive effect on us here on Earth, and the planets in conjunction form a strong connection that we can feel.
- Opposition: 180 degrees
This is an interesting aspect because it can two ways depending on the planets: it can be “disharmonious” and stress us out, or it can shake things up and be a catalyst for the positive changes that we need. This aspect creates tension between the planets.
- Square: 90 degrees
This aspect can cause us to feel blocked, as the planets’ energies work directly against each other. We may notice the same related problems turning up over and over until their placement shifts.
- Trine: 120 degrees
The trine is known as a harmonious aspect. When planets align in this fashion, it can actually help us bring out our natural talents-it’s like we’re vibrating at our highest frequency! This aspect brings about good fortune.
- Sextile: 60 degrees
This aspect is fairly unpredictable-the effects completely depend on the planets involve and their influence on each other. It can very harmonious and bring about peace in our lives, or it can send us spiraling into chaos.
The minor aspects give a little more detail to the effects of the major aspects. They are subdivisions of the major aspects. Disharmonious minor aspects include semisquare (45 degrees) and sesquisquare (135 degrees), while the terms quintile (72 degrees) and biquintil (144 degrees) describe harmonious aspects.
Are there any neutral minor aspects? Yes! Planets are neutral when they’re semisextil (30 degrees) or quincunx/inconjunct.

August 26, 2016 at 5:01 AM
thanks xx