Sometimes, giving yourself permission to pursue an idea is the most difficult part of getting started. If you’ve been the on the verge of starting something but can’t quite find the courage, get ready-with Mars square Jupiter on October 5, you just might get hit with a spark of motivation. This aspect is powerful-it opens our minds to new ideas, it pushes us to pursue things we might’ve dismissed before, and it helps us find courage within ourselves that we never knew we had. Here’s what to expect when you start feeling the effects of Mars square Jupiter:
- You’ll be more impulsive than usual-and that’s a good thing.
We’re taught that being impulsive is negative, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes, acting on impulse allows us to pursue something that we might’ve talked ourselves out of otherwise. We can be our own worst enemies sometimes, and we’re experts at talking ourselves out of great ideas because of low self-esteem. But this aspect helps you cut through all that negative self-talk and go for exactly what you want!
- You’ll be open to ideas you would never consider before.
This aspect forces you to look at problems from a new perspective. If you’ve been struggling with a particular issue for a while now, relief might be on its way. Jupiter’s positive influence will give you a better outlook on the situation, and this aspect will help you consider a new angle. Trying something new might be scary, but remember, sometimes taking risks is necessary.
- You’ll need a solid strategy to bring these ideas to life.
Yes, being impulsive and trying something totally new can be a smart move with Mars square Jupiter-but you can’t just jump out of a plane with no parachute. Don’t rush the process. You don’t have to have a detailed plan, but have some idea of how you want the outcome to look: where do you want to be at the end of the month? What are you hoping to accomplish and why? Asking yourself key questions will help you tackle obstacles when they come along.
- You might be defensive about new projects or life changes.
Whenever we decide to make a major life change, people are bound to be curious. And for every person who supports you, there will be others who just want to drag you down. If people see you making bold moves and really shaking things up, they’re going to ask questions. Try not to lash out at people who don’t understand-patience and tolerance is key.
- You’re at risk for burnout.
If you get really excited about pursuing something new, picking up a new hobby, or starting a new project, you’ll probably want to go all in right away-but don’t let your motivation falter when that initial enthusiasm inevitably wanes a bit. It can be easy to slip back into old habits after that first jolt of inspiration, so have a few motivational practices in place to stay on track.