Feeling a little sluggish and unmotivated lately? Well, this time of year can do that to you. You might feel like it’s been tougher to get out of bed, and you’d rather just stay in your cozy cocoon of blankets than actually drag yourself downstairs and get any work done. Or maybe you’d rather just veg out on the couch and watch a marathon of Christmas movies than decorate the Christmas tree, plan a holiday dinner, or do any of that pesky holiday shopping. Well, good news: on December 3, Mars forms a sextile aspect with Saturn, and it’ll give a little motivational boost before the holiday season gets into full swing! You’ll probably be grateful for all the good cosmic energy this aspect can provide, so here’s what to expect:
- This aspect can “regulate” your energy.
You know how your body has a circadian rhythm that determines when you wake up and when you sleep? Don’t you sometimes wish you could just manipulate it so that you could get out of bed on time and actually fall asleep when you need to? Well, this aspect can help with that. This aspect helps you get in touch with your body, and you’ll have a better sense of when you need to go to bed, how to wake up naturally, and when you need to eat.
- You’ll feel inspired to carefully plan out everything you need to get done for the holidays.
It’s no secret that this of year is stressful-you’re so busy getting stuff done that you completely miss the reason for the season. But this aspect will inspire you to sit down and just break it all down. You may have a lot of big things to accomplish, but if you break it all down into small steps, you’ll find it easier to do what you need to do. That’s really the key to accomplishing any big goal, and this aspect can help you to get started.
- This aspect favors any kind of manual work.
And yes, this applies to hanging up the Christmas lights! Getting anything done around the house will be a little easier under this aspect because it pushes you to get your hands dirty! This is also great for putting together any homemade gifts, or even baking! This aspect is favorable for lots of the work that needs to get done before the holidays, so definitely do your best to take advantage of it!
- This aspect is also favorable towards long-term relationships.
This doesn’t just mean romantic relationships, either. It also applies to your family and friends-anyone who has been in your life for a long time. Your spirits will be high when you have the chance to connect with everyone you care about, and the energy from this aspect will encourage you to strengthen those bonds. It’s perfect for the holiday season! Cherish the people that you care about and hold them extra close this year-you’ll be glad that you did.