You’re probably quite familiar with Mercury retrograde, but every planet goes through a retrograde period that can change its effects. Sometimes, the impact can be good, and can make you feel the influence of the planet on a deeper level. Other times, it can feel like your life is turning upside down, and you have no idea how to handle it! On February 6, Jupiter goes retrograde. If you’re confused about what this will mean for you, never fear! After all, Jupiter is usually the planet known for bringing good luck-so what happens when it goes retrograde? Will its typical positive effects be cancelled out? Here are a few things you might experience in the coming weeks.
- Jupiter retrograde represents a time of spiritual growth.
Its clear that everywhere on earth, people are experiencing a major shift in consciousness. People are finally beginning to wake up to the reality of the system we live in and challenging it wherever they can. We’re ready to create a new future for ourselves-and Jupiter retrograde will give us the energy we need to maintain that fighting spirit. This retrograde period influences positive spiritual growth, and causes us to change as people. We’ll begin to see the world in a new light, and we will continue to grow in our fight towards progress for all people.
- You’ll probably be tested at some point.
We can’t grow without experiencing growing pains! During Jupiter retrograde, you’ll need to face up to some challenges to truly change for the better. It might not be an easy process, but it will definitely make you a better person in the end. Expect to end up in conversations with people who do not share your beliefs. Expect to encounter people from other cultures who make you question your own. Expect to make difficult decisions when it comes to relationships, your career, and your family.
- You may be drawn to certain spiritual practices.
Yoga, meditation, prayer…whatever it is that you feel is the right path for you, don’t be afraid to pursue it. Start off your day with a few sun salutations and giving thanks to the universe in whatever way you see fit, and see how your life slowly begins to improve. Embracing a new spiritual practice will cause you to reflect on your life and take stock of what you need to do and where you need to go from here. It can definitely be a difficult process, but it’s very beneficial in the long run!
- You might also be drawn to some negative behaviors.
Sometimes when we are going through difficult periods of growth, we find it easier to use alcohol or other substances as a crutch, and to numb the pain of personal development. Don’t fall into this trap! Drinking, smoking, or engaging in other self-destructive behaviors might feel great in the short term, but they will hurt you and impede your progress. Treat your body and mind well, and you will quickly see the rewards.