We have been in the midst of Neptune retrograde since June 16, and this has been a challenging time for many. Most people have only heard about the negative effects of Mercury retrograde, but every planet can go through a retrograde period, and the changes and upheaval they can bring can make a long-term impact on anyone’s life. This week, we’ve really been feeling Neptune’s influence, and on November 19, Neptune will officially move out of retrograde and go direct for the first time in five months. So what does this mean? We’re finishing one chapter and starting a new one-here are a few things you should be paying attention to:
- You’ll be able to step back from the anxiety caused by political and social issues.
This has been a huge theme of 2016, and these feelings increased during Neptune retrograde. When Neptune goes direct, we’ll be able to take a deep breath and begin to see the absurdity in creating so much conflict and division. We desperately need to reach across the aisle and understand each others’ points of view. Hopefully, Neptune direct will inspire us and give us the courage and compassion necessary to do just that.
- We will see that we can no longer allow our worldview to be dominated by fear.
Neptune can cause our imaginations to run wild. This can be a good thing and inspire creative genius, or it can cause us to create problems that don’t actually exist. These past few months have been dominated by fear-the media and politicians exploit this to gain even more power and turn us against each other. When Neptune goes direct, we may wake up to this-many people already have, and they will be the ones to show us the light in the coming months.
- We will let go of the need to escape our reality.
Neptune retrograde wakes us to reality in the harshest way. We’re unable to tear ourselves away from the news and the problems of this world-and it can absolutely tear us up inside. We won’t be able to ignore our personal problems or global issues. We have no choice but to face them, and some will attempt to “escape” with drugs or alcohol. Coming into the new year, the influence of Neptune direct will help guide us down a healthier path to accepting reality with an optimistic mindset and better outlook.
- We will embrace relaxation and self care.
We can’t run ourselves ragged physically or mentally. We need to give ourselves time and space to relax, breath, and heal. Neptune retrograde can bring emotional turmoil, and once it ends, we’ll feel the weight lift off our shoulders. We’ll realize that we need to slow down, to reflect, and to forgive ourselves instead of beating ourselves up. Thus begins the long healing process that can teach us so much more about ourselves and the world. Don’t be afraid to help others in your life move down this path along with you.