Many people will tell you that the new moon is the perfect time for setting intentions. You can find guides to new moon rituals and goal setting, and you can put this advice to good use to make positive changes in your life. During any new moon, you can take the opportunity to set intentions and shake up your life. But did you know that some new moons are better for setting intentions than others? On November 29, there will be a new moon in Sagittarius. This is one of the best times to change your mindset and choose a new direction for your life. Sagittarius has a positive outlook and open mind-and this is something you’ll need if you want to achieve your goals. Wondering how to make this work for you? Here are some tips.
- If you’ve always wanted to travel, now is the time to start planning.
Sagittarius is the free spirit of the zodiac-those born under Sagittarius love to travel and explore new places. If you’ve always craved adventure but had trouble getting out of your comfort zone, now is the time to set an intention to strive for just that. The energy of the Sagittarius new moon will help encourage you to break through the barriers you’ve set for yourself. You can start by simply writing down a few places that you WILL go in the new year!
- Cultivate a positive mindset for the upcoming holidays.
Thanksgiving may have passed, but Christmas is on its way. No matter what you celebrate, this can be a stressful time of year, even though it’s supposed to be cheerful! Write down a list of mantras for this holiday season that reflect the attitude you want to have when things get chaotic. Then, take some time each day to meditate on these mantras. This will help you keep them in mind when certain in laws get on your nerves!
- Get active with yoga.
No one really wants to work out this time of year-it’s cold, you’re indulging in comfort food, and you’re busy enough already. But a little stretching and yoga will warm you up, keep you flexible and limber, and motivate you to eat a little healthier! Fun fact: Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs, so focus specifically on doing some hip openers and active poses like warrior! You’ll be feeling great in no time, and it’ll help you keep up that holiday spirit.
- Think about your resolutions for the new year.
Don’t feel pressured to set a resolution just yet-or at all!-but it never hurts to start thinking about it at a time like this. Spend a little time with yourself and your journal and just brainstorm. What are some areas you need to focus on as you head into the new year? What do you want to change and improve about your life? Now is a good time to get that motivated energy flowing, and next year, sticking to your resolution won’t be a problem!

November 28, 2016 at 7:28 AM
Thank you! Namaste xxx