
New Beginnings With the New Moon in Libra

We all know that the New Moon is the ideal time to set goals for the future and start fresh. In the past, you may have done rituals, reflected on your intentions, meditated on what you truly wanted from life…and seen real results! While every New Moon is a special time because its energy can help us make necessary changes, the New Moon in Libra is especially important for creating a new beginning. On September 30, there will be a New Moon in Libra, so it’s the perfect time to set your intentions for the upcoming months! Here’s why the New Moon in Libra is so significant and how you can harness its energy:

  1. Libra is all about balance.

Libra is represented by the scales, and it’s the perfect symbol for this sign. Libra aims to achieve balance in all areas of their life. This is an important mindset to have while setting goals. For example, say your goal is to get in shape, so you want to get a gym membership and start working out. Maybe you would love to go five times a week, but that would take away a lot of time that you spent with family and friends, resulting in a lack of balance. Instead, you choose three days a week and leave two days free for your loved ones.

  1. Libra aims for fairness.

Don’t tell a Libra that “life isn’t fair”-as far as they’re concerned, life COULD be fair if everyone strived for fairness the way they do! When setting goals, it’s important to be fair to yourself. Maybe you’re working on setting up a new blog, and you initially decide to post every day. But is it fair to expect that of yourself-and then get angry at yourself when you inevitably fall short? Think about what you can realistically accomplish before committing to a new plan.

  1. Libra always considers how their actions affect other people.

Sometimes, we get so wrapped in setting goals to get exactly what we want that we forget how our lifestyle changes can make an impact on others. Being a little selfish can be good-but we shouldn’t be so concerned with our own ambitions that ignore how our actions affect others. Let’s say you’re a freelancer with the goal of doubling your income. You could go full steam ahead and take on lots of new clients-but does that mean your spouse is automatically expected to do extra cooking, cleaning, and domestic work? Always consider others in your household and how your plans affect them!

  1. Libra is a master at sticking to routines.

Creating a plan that often includes a daily routine is essential when setting goals. Libra often has a daily routine that they have no trouble sticking to, so when the New Moon is in Libra, it will help you find the motivation to commit to working on your goal each day! Small, daily improvements will eventually add up to major successes, so let the New Moon in Libra guide you on your way.

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