On October 11, Mars will form a sextile aspect with Neptune. This aspect will have an overwhelmingly positive impact on your life, so it’s definitely something to look forward to! Mars sextile Neptune tends to put everyone in a happy, giving mood, so if you’ve been feeling stressed or irritable lately, take a deep breath-cosmic relief is on its way! Although Mars and Neptune have very different influences, their combined energy doesn’t clash-they balance each other out. Here are a few things to expect this week:
- You’ll feel very generous.
Mars sextile Neptune inspires generosity, so when someone is in need, you’ll be ready to step up and lend a helping hand. It’s a good time to treat your friends and family and spread the love-picking up the tab after dinner or buying a round of drinks is an easy way to show you care. If you’re strapped for cash, just helping out a friend in need costs nothing, and it will make both of you feel good.
- You’ll be more sensitive to the needs of others.
Neptune has a huge influence on our psychic energy, so you can anticipate some heightened sensitivity in the coming week. It can feel a little overwhelming, but think of it as a blessing rather than a curse. You’ll be tuned into the needs of those around you, and you’ll be able to read the mood of a room and figure out what people around you need.
- You could connect with people who will change your life.
Because you’ll be more sensitive to everything going on, you’ll be able to get an accurate vibe off the people you meet right away. If someone is meant to be in your life, you’ll know right off the bat. This is an auspicious time for finding your soul mate-or just meeting some great new friends! If you meet someone who you really like talking to, don’t be shy to make plans-they probably want to hang out with you, too!
- You’ll notice increased spiritual energy.
Ah, Neptune-not only does it influence psychic abilities, it also tunes us into spiritual energy. This is definitely a time to meditate, pray, do yoga, attend a service, or even go on a retreat-whatever makes you feel connected to something bigger than us! We all find different meanings in spirituality, and when Mars is sextile Neptune, it’s a great time to explore your spiritual side, no matter what you believe.
- You’ll have a strong sense of right and wrong.
The combined energy of Mars and Neptune influences your moral compass. Sometimes, we may have trouble figuring out our beliefs or how we should act in a given situation-we get confused about the “right” thing to do and struggle to make a choice. But with this aspect, we find balance. These planets help us make peace with our sense of morality, and with this aspect, you’ll find it easier to trust yourself when making decisions. You will have a deep, subconscious knowledge of right and wrong.