THE ELEMENTS: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are the four elements or energies that encompass the zodiac signs. These energies represent our consciousness and drive our inner selves. The signs of the Zodiac offer insight into our character traits and can explain our personality, but it is the elements that dive into our consciousness and invokes the emotional response or temperament.
FIRE: Fire can be seen as both a blessing and a curse. Fire is used to heat things up and when left unchecked can destroy the forest. Fire people such as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are outgoing and inspirational individuals and all have a short fuse. These people are very passionate and emotional and are in tune with their intuition and should follow their gut as it hardly ever leads them astray.
Although fire can be self-absorb, they are constantly in a state of movement and hardly ever get hung up for too long on themselves. Fire people are impulsive and just like the element itself, needs room to grow and explore.
Water is light and cool as a gentle rain washes down on dry crops, or it can be dark as the ocean full of mystery. Water that is contained like a pond is easy to control, unlike a raging river that hides the hidden dangers below the surface. Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the most emotional of all the Zodiac signs. Sometimes one can figure out what is going on below the surface, and other times it can be difficult even dangerous to tread around. People born under the water sign are people pleasers. They can maneuver around other people and fit into any crowd or group setting. These people are deeply involved and make sacrifices for those they love.
The earth is constant and reliable. You don’t wake up each morning wondering if the ground beneath your feet has shifted. People born under the earth element are grounded, they don’t let their emotions rule them like the water or fire signs do. Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorns and are hardly swayed and won’t dig deep to figure things out because they believe in the motto of “what you see is what you get.” People born under this element are firm and steadfast. They don’t like change and expect others not to have hidden intentions or secrets. Everything is out in the open.
People born under the element of air are free and cannot be contained or put in a box. Air people are unpredictable and often eccentric. Air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius live within their minds. They contemplate things and see the world from above which often leaves them separated from the rest of Zodiac signs. While these people can be highly creative and intelligent, they lack emotional depth.
STAGES OF THE ELEMENT: Just as there are three stages to the day, Dawn, Mid-Day, and Evening, so does the elements come in three stages. These stages are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Depending on which state your sign falls under will reveal your essential character traits and personality.
CARDINAL: Cardinal signs of the Zodiac are Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Each of these Zodiac signs has one thing in common, and they are the starters and initiators of the Zodiac. Each of these signs steps up and commands the situation or event and shapes the outcome. They are not one to sit on the sidelines and wait for someone to take the lead. They jump right in and get things done. They are like the first light of day. These signs lead the charge.
FIXED: Fixed signs of the Zodiac are Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus. Each of these Zodiac signs is the builders and doers. While they have no desire to reinvent the wheel, they will find a way to make it more efficient and better. People born in the fixed position will take an idea or project that has already been established and make it better. Now that the sun is up, it is mid-day, and signs that are born on this cusp want to make the most of the situation and make it better.
MUTABLE: Last there are the Mutable signs or common signs, although there is nothing ordinary about Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, and Virgo. These signs need change, and they can’t remain in limbo, and they have to keep evolving. Signs born in the mutable stage are not fixed on one thing for too long. As mentioned before, they are evening people who are transitioning from day to night. They seek change and revolution.
Depending on your element and what stage you were born in gives clues as to how you will react to life around you. The fire element born in the mutable stage, a Sagittarius burns with the desire to learn new things that will broaden their horizons. They may not be as intense as Aries and full of passion, but they burn none the less like a campfire still burning come morning. The coals are still hot, but the fire is not raging and unpredictable.
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