An important cosmic event is approaching, and it could lead to a rough week or two for many of us. On October 7, the sun will form a square aspect with Pluto, and it could completely change your life. This is no exaggeration-this is an extremely powerful aspect that can bring up lots of unresolved emotions and force you to do lots of self-reflection. Don’t be scared! It’s essential to view this time as a learning opportunity instead of an obstacle. The effects of Sun square Pluto follow a predictable pattern-here’s what the next few days have in store:
- An increased need for control will lead to conflicts with others.
First, you’ll feel insecure. You’ll start to wonder why certain areas of your life aren’t going the way you want them to, and this will make you desire more control. You might be striving for greater self control or control over others. This will likely result in a power struggle with other people in your life that could lead to intense conflict. But either way, there is a lesson to be learned here, and you’ll see that increasing your control is not the answer.
- These conflicts will dig up fears or insecurities that you’ve tried to bury.
When we confront other people, we’re also confronting ourselves-conflict forces us to let out our deepest emotions, and it can stir up lots of insecurities and anxieties. This can feel traumatic at first, but it’s necessary to figure out WHY we wanted to gain control and what made us feel insecure in the first place.
- You’ll be forced to figure out why you struggled for control.
This will take lots of deep thought. If you’ve been struggling with others in your life because of your attempts to gain control, you need to take a step back and think about what your true motivations are. What is really lacking in your life? What have you been unable to admit to yourself in the past that you need to accept now?
- When you understand why you craved control, you’ll be able to relax and surrender.
If you put in the effort, you’ll finally realize what your real problem was. And you’ll recognize that we never really have much control over what happens in our lives, but we are always in full control of how we react to it. This is far more important.
- You’ll be able to approach the coming weeks with a whole new mindset.
Letting go of the illusion of control is so important to our overall happiness. If you work through your issues now, you’ll have a deeper understanding of yourself in the future. You’ll be more open minded and relaxed when you’re faced with tough obstacles, and you’ll be more accepting of whatever life happens to throw your way. We never really have as much control over a situation as we think we do, and recognizing that we don’t NEED to have control is an important step to living a happier life.