
Let Mars Sextile Uranus Give You an Energy Boost

It’s almost the time of year when people begin making New Year’s resolutions. For some people who are super goal-oriented and organized, this is a lot of fun, but for people who are prone to falling off the wagon when it comes to setting goals, this can feel like a lot of pressure. Everyone around you might talking about their plans to save a certain amount of money next year or drop this much weight by the time summer rolls around while you’re just struggling to get through all your holiday plans.

But never fear-the universe is sending us a cosmic gift this week. On December 6, Mars forms a sextile aspect with Uranus. This particular aspect is known for giving you a little boost of energy that can help any changes in your life move along a little more smoothly. Here’s what to expect!

  1. You’ll have extra energy.

You might not be motivated to stay up all night working on projects or get up super early and work out for hours each day…but you’ll definitely feel more energetic than usual. You’ll need to work to maintain this boost-for example, eating healthy and getting plenty of sleep-but if you put in a little effort of your own, you’ll be ready to tackle anything that this holiday season might throw at you. Don’t let the wintertime blues drag you down this year!

  1. Getting started on difficult tasks will feel easier.

Isn’t getting started the hardest part of any project? Even if you know exactly what you need to do, just sitting down to get to work can feel like a total drag. This aspect actually helps ease those feelings-getting started on something new won’t feel like a challenge, it will feel like an opportunity! Now is the perfect time to redecorate and clean your house before Christmas, start sending holiday cards, and finish a big chunk of shopping.

  1. You’ll be more open to meeting new people.

Does the idea of mingling with certain in-laws or making small talk with strangers at holiday parties stress you out? Well, Mars sextile Uranus is coming to your rescue. Just as this aspect makes it easier to start new projects, it also makes starting conversations and meeting new people easier. Basically, any time you need to begin something new, the energy created by these two planets in this aspect can benefit you in some way. So if you don’t consider yourself a social butterfly, don’t worry-the universe is on your side!

  1. You might feel a little spark in your relationship.

This aspect might not cause any huge cosmic shifts in your life, but the changes will be there if you pay attention. If you’re in a relationship, you might feel a little more romantic around this time, so take advantage of those feelings and plan an adorable winter date night! There are so many things to do this time of year that are perfect for couples, so don’t waste the opportunity!

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