Certain aspects are talked about more than others. For example, people focus on sextiles, opposites, and conjuncts pretty often. But certain aspects are usually ignored in favor of “bigger” astrological events-even though these “unimportant” aspects can actually make a noticeable impact on our lives! One of these aspects that is often ignored is the semi-sextile. People may not begin paying attention until two planets have formed a perfectly sextile aspect, but the semi-sextile aspect is important too. It can still affect our emotions and our daily lives.
On December 10, Uranus forms a semi-sextile aspect with Chiron. Chiron is another heavenly body that we don’t hear much about, even though it can play a huge role in some very important astrological processes. So, what does this weekend have in store? Read on to find out what this aspect could mean for you.
- You will begin to focus on new methods of healing.
Chiron represents the healer, and this can relate to mental or physical healing. You might be focusing on one area or you might be focusing on both. This aspect will cause you to question the methods you have been using for self-improvement and self-care and open your mind to new strategies. Do your research on whatever you are thinking of trying and see what works for you!
- You will understand that the healing process will never truly end.
All human beings are bruised and broken in some way-and this is not something that we have to be ashamed of at all. We need to embrace these flaws and understand that they make us unique and human. Where would we be without the trials that we’ve faced that have forced us to grow and change for the better? This aspect will wake you up to the fact that life is a journey, and that the healing process must continue throughout our entire journey.
- You may turn to spirituality as a healing tool.
This could mean meditation, prayer, or some other ritual. It could also mean attending services of some kind or meeting with spiritual leaders in your community. It also could mean undertaking a unique spiritual journey of your own-for example, you may want to embark on a long solo trip or a short retreat so that you can have time and space to yourself to grow and learn. If you have the opportunity to do so, go ahead and take it-do not hesitate! Your experiences may be life changing.
- You might be tempted to use drugs or other mind-altering substances.
This aspect can provoke your curiosity about drugs or other substances that can affect your thought process and physical being. Be very careful about substituting such substances for actual spiritual growth. Your journey should come from within, not from these outside substances. You already have all the tools within you that you need to grow and create positive change in your life, so do not feel like you need to partake in any illegal or dangerous activities to do so.