It’s important to find and sustain our motivation at this time of year. The weather is getting colder, the days are getting darker, and the holidays can really stress you out-but you’re also expected to host great parties and kick off your New Year’s resolution. Luckily, the universe is on your side. On November 24, Jupiter forms a square aspect with Pluto. You might be a little confused about what this means-Pluto is an odd little planet, and its effects can certainly be unpredictable. But we all know that Jupiter means good luck and good results, so you probably have something to look forward to. Here are a few things you can expect to see happening under this aspect:
- It will make you want to succeed-and go further than you imagined.
Suddenly, you’ll be dreaming bigger than ever before. Previously, you might have been satisfied with the idea of being average-but not anymore. Your ambitions expand overnight, and you may not be sure how to deal with it. Do you need to change your life’s direction? Do you need to switch careers? These feelings can cause crazy emotions to arise and lots of questions to pop up. Don’t panic, think everything through carefully, and let the universe take you where you need to go.
- This aspect favors financial success.
As previously mentioned, Jupiter brings good fortune. And in the case of this aspect, the word “fortune” can be quite literal. One reason you’ll be inspired to “dream bigger” is because you’ll have money on your mind, and you’ll feel unsatisfied with living a “regular” life. This can be good-of course, you should reach higher and work harder to achieve success-but it can also shift your focus away from the things that truly matter, like your personal relationships. Don’t lose sight of human connections in the face of financial gain.
- You might find yourself fascinated with philosophy or religion.
Pluto tends to spark our intellectual side. We become interested in why we are the way that we are, and why humanity is the way that it is. You’ll probably want to read, read, and read some more, so head to your local library and stock up on books in whatever subject interests you. Follow your curiosities wherever they may lead. You never know when you read something that will completely expand your worldview and flip your previous perspectives upside down, so use your brain and educate yourself.
- You might want to explore cultural taboos.
Pluto is a bit of an outsider. And it’s influence can cause us to act that way, too. If you want to push boundaries, don’t break any laws or cause any harm. But by all means, challenge society’s rigid definitions of what it means to be anything. Break down the rules and make people think about why they were there in the first place. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, even if you’re different from everyone else around you. The universe will guide you down the right path.