
How to Handle Blocked Energy Under Venus Square Saturn

Ah, Venus. We all know that whenever Venus comes around, our love lives are about to get a shake up. But it can be hard to predict exactly what effect Venus’s presence will have. Is it going to lead us to meet someone new and special? Is it going to cause us to question our current relationship, or reconsider what we want in the future? Will we look back on our past relationships in a new way and gain certain insight from doing so?

Well, on January 27, Venus will move into a square aspect with Saturn. Square aspects can be difficult to get through. Square aspects often mean that there is opposition between the energy of the two planets. This can result in the energy of one planet being “blocked,” which can cause difficulties in our lives. Here are a few things to expect.

  1. You might notice additional stress in your relationship.

Square aspects have a tendency to stress us out in regards to whatever area of our lives they are primarily affecting. This is because of that pesky energy blockage. When we feel like we can’t properly make sense of and process our feelings, we might feel like any problems we are facing will be impossible to solve. We end up feeling stuck and trapped-so if you are having trouble in your relationship now, you may just have to wait it out for a week or so. It will be difficult to find a solution under this aspect.

  1. You might find yourself craving alone time.

This applies even if you and your partner are usually attached at the hip. You might feel very frustrated with them. Your first instinct might be to try to take out all of that “blocked” energy on your partner-and this is a bad move! Instead, give yourself a little space to do an activity that you enjoy in solitude. This will help you process any negative energy in a healthy way.

  1. Don’t give up on your relationship.

Remember, the problems you are struggling with this week are caused by internal energy blockages. You might not be able to solve them right away, but it does not mean you will never be able to work through it. So just try your best to keep your head out and wait out any difficult days. This is not a good time to break up with someone-do not let temporary frustrations ruin an otherwise happy relationship! You will definitely regret it.

  1. Don’t ignore your responsibilities.

When you’re feeling down, you might lack motivation, and you may just want to turn your back on the world and ignore everything for a couple days. Don’t! It’s super tempting, but again, this is something you will also regret in the long run. Engaging in your usual routine will actually make you feel much better in the end, and when the feeling passes, you’ll definitely be proud of yourself for sticking it out.

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