Every new month brings different astrological events our way, and the first week of October is packed with cosmic happenings. On October 4, the sun will form the sextile aspect with Saturn. This aspect has the power to change your outlook-if you’ve always been scared to lead, it just might give you the push that you need to step and take charge! Don’t be scared-after all, you can’t be a follower your whole life. If you need a shot of confidence when it comes to leadership, here’s how this aspect will help you find your way:
- You’ll be more patient.
Patience is essential for any leader. If you usually have a short temper, you may recognize this flaw in yourself and hold back from leading because you don’t want to snap at anyone. Being patient with others can be difficult, even for people who manage their emotions well, but a healthy dose of patience is necessary for an effective leader. Luckily, this aspect is known to bring out a more easygoing, understanding side in most people!
- You’ll be inspired to persevere no matter what.
A good leader never gives up. Not only do they have to find it in themselves to push forward no matter what, they have to help their followers find that same fire within themselves. This aspect helps us stay determined through adversity. Under this aspect, we find it easier to remember exactly why we care about a given cause, and why others should care as well. If you usually find it difficult to stay motivated, and therefore have trouble motivating others in turn, you may notice a change during the next few days.
- People will look to you for advice.
When the sun is sextile to Saturn, we are more open to asking others for help with our problems-even the most stubborn among us might let their guard down and turn to a friend for advice. Because of this, you may noticed more people asking for your perspective on different issues or seeking your expertise in an area of their lives that they are struggling with. Don’t feel pressured to give perfect advice, but do take the opportunity to help a friend in need. If someone is asking you for help, it means they value you as a person and they hold your opinion in high esteem.
- You’ll be motivated to work harder than usual.
A strong leader needs to have a strong work ethic. If you’re typically the lazier, more laid back type, there’s nothing wrong with that-but it does make it difficult to be a good leader! If you’re usually more comfortable following in others’ footsteps because you don’t think you could manage the extra effort required to be a leader, this could all change with this aspect. Whether it’s a cause you want to fight for or a project that you’re spearheading, you’ll want to put in the work-and you’ll want to motivate others to work just as hard as you do!