Mercury and Mars both have a tendency to give us a surge of energy. These planets push us towards the things we want, whether we’re ready for it or not. It can be an intense feeling, but it’s something we should all embrace-their influence can take us so far and catalyze huge changes in our lives when we need them the most. On November 15, Mercury forms a sextile aspect with Mars, and if we can use its energy to our advantage, we can make huge strides with the universe on our side. Here are a few things to expect and how to handle it all:
- Your thoughts might make you feel like you’re going crazy.
But you’re not! This aspect can speed up our thought process. Sounds weird, right? All this really means is that your mind will be racing a mile minute, which can make you feel confused about what you truly want. This is the perfect time to take up journaling and meditating. Writing in a journal will help you keep track of everything going through your mind, and meditating will give you a break from dealing with all of those thoughts! These are the perfect techniques to get through this aspect.
- You’ll work faster than ever before.
This aspect gives a huge boost to your work ethic. In fact, you’ll feel motivated to get more done in a shorter period of time than ever before! The key here is not to rush. You don’t want to race towards sloppy results. Don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of speed. It’s difficult when you have so much energy and passion that you want to pour into your work, but keep the end product in mind and remember that slow and steady will always win the race.
- You’ll be able to accomplish all those things you’ve been putting off.
Deep down, we’re all procrastinators at heart-it seems to just be human nature, unfortunately. This aspect will help you kick that bad habit and tackle all of the things that you’ve been putting off for a long time because they’re too hard or too uncomfortable to face. Don’t worry-all you need is a little shot of courage and determination, and if you believe in yourself, you’ll be able to get them over with. There’s no better time to take on those challenges than when Mercury is sextile to Mars.
- You’ll be more open and outgoing than usual.
This aspect is favorable to our social lives. You’ll find it easier to talk to new people, and while you might not form lasting connections, you will find the confidence to put yourself out there. It’s a good time to ask someone out, if you’re feeling exceptionally brave-if this aspect gives you the courage to go for it, don’t hold back! You never know what could occur as a result of a little extra confidence and self-esteem, so why not try to meet some new people and maybe find a little romance?