In astrology, we talk about certain planets and cosmic bodies more than others. You’ve probably heard a lot about Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn…and any of the other planets, including Pluto! But there are certain influences that aren’t discussed as often. That doesn’t mean that these objects have a lesser impact, though. When they move into a place where they can affect us here on earth, we’ll definitely still feel it. One of those bodies is Chiron. On December 1, Chiron goes direct to kick off the month. You might be totally unsure of what to expect and what this means for you because Chiron’s influence is often ignored or dismissed. Never fear-here’s your guide to the next few days.
- You’ll feel the need to reflect on painful experiences of the past.
Chiron’s purpose is to cause us to work through things that have hurt us in the past. This is especially pronounced when it is in retrograde. But now that Chiron is going direct, the process will feel totally different. Instead of feeling like you’re experiencing that hurt over again, you’ll feel like you’re finally in a state of mind where you can properly reflect on and learn from these experiences. Embrace this process wholeheartedly-it’s very important for personal growth.
- You will realize where you need to make changes in your life.
The beauty of Chiron’s presence is that it doesn’t just teach us about the past. It teaches us about how to change for the better in the present so that we can create the future that we really want. You’ll begin to see where you’ve fallen into patterns of old mistakes or destructive behavior, and you’ll feel more motivated than ever to dig yourself out of these ruts. It may feel like hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end!
- You’ll understand the power of forgiveness.
Chiron can cause us to remember people who hurt us in the past, but it also causes us to remember how we hurt other people. We begin the view that cycle for what it is-someone hurts us because someone hurt them, and we take that hurt out on someone else. You’ll see that because we are all human, we are all imperfect, and therefore, we must all learn to forgive each other. You’ll be open to crossing bridges that you once wanted to burn, and you’ll be ready to mend past grievances with people you thought you could never face again.
- You’ll begin thinking seriously about your spiritual path.
Once you begin to think about healing, making changes, and forgiveness, you’ll realize why so many people turn to spirituality and religion to help them with these things-because many spiritual and religious paths provide a guide to doing them. Turning to something bigger than yourself, especially around the holiday season, can be a very positive thing. Don’t rush into it or force yourself down any particular path, but know that they are always there for you if you need it.