You might have chosen a certain career because you genuinely have a huge passion in that area. Or you might have chosen a job because you really need the salary it provides. Maybe you went into a career path with hopes to change the world, or maybe you simply wanted to do something that made you happy and paid a decent living. No matter what, your job takes up a huge amount of time and effort in your life. Obviously, it’s something that we all think about a lot, and it can often come to define us as a person.
But why are we drawn to certain careers? And what affects changes in our career path? As it turns out, the stars can have a bigger impact than you think. Here are a few ways that astrology can affect your career.
- Your sun, moon, and rising sign can definitely push you towards a certain career.
These signs are probably the most important things in your entire birth chart. Your sun sign reveals how the world sees you, your moon sign reveals your subconscious thoughts and feelings-the side the world doesn’t see-and your rising sign reveals aspects of your personality that will become more prominent later in life. Naturally, you can gain some insight into why you picked a certain career by studying up on the characteristics of these signs.
- An eclipse can cause a major career change.
Have you ever wondered what motivated you to make a change in your career? Maybe it was something internal-or maybe it was something external. Maybe it was because you genuinely wanted a change. Or maybe it was because something out of the blue inspired you. You might be intrigued when you realize how often a career change can coincide with an eclipse. An eclipse can really shake things up!
- Certain planetary transitions can indicate positive career developments.
Jupiter is especially known for this! Planets like Jupiter can bring good fortune and really boost your career development. Occasionally, a planetary transition can spur a career shift. This might mean a promotion or a raise, or it could mean a promising meeting with your boss. Whatever it is, Jupiter usually is a good omen. Other planets, like Mars, can inspire greater passion towards your career and motivate you to work harder than usual! Take advantage of these transits and use them to give you a leg up in the office!
- Certain planets can also spark your creativity and help you innovate in the office.
When Neptune comes around, you’re bound to get some new ideas. When you’re feeling Pluto’s influence, you’ll probably be motivated to look deeper at an issue facing your company. And when Mercury is in transit, your communication skills might improve, which will allow to smooth over any issues that arrive. These planets in particular can really help you down your career path and make great strides towards your professional goals. Pay attention to the planets and see what they can do for you!