The beginning of fall can be a hectic time, and it’s easy to feel like your thoughts are just as crazy as your schedule. With people going back to school, seasonal businesses making a transition, the election coming up, and the holiday season fast approaching, it might seem like life has been all over the place lately. You might be losing track of things, feel short-tempered, and struggle with communicating. Luckily, Mercury enters Libra on October 7, and this transit will clear your mind better than a fancy meditation retreat. Here’s how Mercury in Libra affects us:
- You’ll seek compromise and aim to be diplomatic.
If you’ve been feeling scrambled, you might start acting a bit selfish, too-after all, you have enough of your own problems to deal with, why should you have to deal with other peoples’, too? Mercury in Libra will push you to seek compromise over conflict and approach tough conversations with a level headed attitude.
- You’ll be able to look at an issue from both sides.
Libra is known for representing balance over everything else, and this applies to different points of view. If you’re talking to someone about an issue that they hold a completely different stance on, you won’t mind hearing them out and trying to understand their perspective a little better, even if you have strongly held beliefs of your own.
- You’ll be open to playing devil’s advocate.
Playing devil’s advocate can be difficult-it requires you to step out of your own shoes and take a look at a problem through someone else’s eyes. And it usually means voicing an unpopular opinion and putting yourself up for criticism, even if you don’t believe what you’re saying. But with Mercury in Libra, it’s not so scary-you’ll understand the need for a balanced perspective over a biased discussion.
- Writing will come naturally to you during this time.
Keeping a journal is a great way to clear your mind and sort out your thoughts at the end of the day. It can be hard to stick a routine of writing each day, but Mercury in Libra tends to bring out our analytical sides, so we’re drawn to writing as a way to work through our experiences. Get yourself a nice notebook and get into the habit of writing even just a few sentences a day-it can definitely help you stay mindful.
- You’ll strive for a balance of social interaction and alone time.
As previously mentioned, Libra is all about balance. During such a hectic time of year, it’s important to strike a good balance between social events and time to yourself. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, try to aim for an even amount of time spent with friends and time spent alone. It will very beneficial for your overall well-being. It’s important to foster strong social connections when life feels a little overwhelming, but you also need to learn to be alone with yourself and enjoy it when it’s time to decompress.