Mars entered Scorpio on January 3, 2016, and will remain there until August 3, 2016. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio, so it has a very strong influence when it’s in this sign. Scorpio is one of the most intense signs, and Mars is known for having an impact on our motivation. So it makes sense that when Mars is in Scorpio, we experience a certain intensity of focus, stronger desires, and a powerful drive to get what we want. Here’s how to use this time to get motivated and reach your goals:
- Take advantage of “flow.”
You know when you’re working on a project and you get so engrossed in it that you totally forget about the world? The ideas just keep coming and you barely even notice the time passing. You might find it easier to get into this “flow” state when Mars is in Scorpio, so now is the time to get super invested in your latest creative pursuit and see what you come up with.
- Positive visualization.
Take all that intense determination and visualize exactly what you want to happen and how you plan to do it. You can meditate and come up with a vision for your future, or if you want to be more hands on, you can create a vision board to look at every day. This can be a great creative outlet. Put it somewhere so that you’ll see it right when you wake up, and you’ll be inspired to spend your day productively.
- Embrace your feelings.
Sometimes, the intensity of our emotions when Mars is in Scorpio can feel a little scary. You might worry that you’re being too sensitive or taking things too seriously. But don’t be afraid of your own feelings during this time-just recognize what you’re experiencing and try to work out what it means. Feeling things intensely does not have to be a curse. If it helps push you towards your goals, it can actually be a blessing.
- Don’t let romance distract you.
Mars in Scorpio isn’t just known for increasing motivation. It’s also known for increasing libido. This can trick us into thinking we feel romantically attracted to people that we don’t have much in common with. Don’t let these feelings distract you from working towards your goals. A steamy fling can be fun, but now is not the time to get too wrapped up in something that may not be real.
- Don’t become obsessive.
When you feel motivation this strong, you should absolutely take advantage of it and work your butt off. But don’t forget to spend quality time with friends and family, take care of your health, and occasionally spend a day or two just being lazy. Mars in Scorpio can really push us in the right direction, but you don’t want to neglect relationships and self care. This could easily lead to burn out.