Pluto is such an odd little planet. Well, is it really a planet? Some say the debate hasn’t been settled. Either way, the impact it can have on our lives is definitely legitimate! So whether you still think Pluto is a planet or not, you should definitely be ready for its influence. Pluto is a bit unpredictable-it can have very different effects depending on what the rest of the cosmos are doing at the time. On January 7, Pluto moves into a conjunct aspect with the sun. You might wonder what happens when this little heavenly body comes into an aspect with one of the largest and most powerful objects in our solar system. So if you’re curious about what’s in store this weekend, read on.
- You’ll gain increased control over your own life.
This aspect has a funny way of giving us our power back. You may have felt like things were spinning out of control for you lately. Well, you can relax for the next couple days-slowly, you’ll realize just how much power you have over your own life. You may find yourself making a major decision that could have a big impact on your future over the next few days, so be prepared and think over any choices very carefully!
- People may think you’re coming on too strong.
If you feel rejuvenated and more in control than you have for the past few months, don’t let it get to your head. Yes, you will have more responsibility and more power over what happens in your own life. However, remember that you do not have power over anyone else’s life. If someone comes to you for advice or guidance, remember that ultimately, the power rests in their hands to make any final decisions. You need to be respectful of this and recognize the agency of others.
- You may end up alienating some people.
Think about it-some people won’t like the decisions you’re making. Especially if they’re not the choices they would make for their own lives. They may feel threatened that when the power is back in your hands, you chose differently than they did. You need to accept this and realize that some people may choose to walk out of your life because of decisions that you make during this time. It can be hurtful, but it is sadly a natural part of life, and this is not the last time that it will happen.
- You may get stuck in some power struggles.
This could be especially difficult at work. You may realize that are certain differences between you and your boss or you and your coworkers that simply cannot be reconciled or compromised on. This is all part of the beginnings of the Age of Aquarius-realizing when you cannot be content with the existing authorities and power structures. This will potentially spurn some very tough decisions. However, you may also notice power struggles within your immediate or extended family, or even your close friend group. Tread carefully.