As we come into the new year and leave 2016 behind, we prepare to let go of everything that has happened in the past year and look forward to the new things coming our way. 2016 has been a difficult year for many, many people. There is so much going on right now that is signaling a huge shift in global consciousness. Where will we go from now? It seems like no one has any answers-and truthfully, we can’t predict the future. On November 26, Mercury forms a trine aspect with Uranus, and this could definitely have an impact on that shift. Here are a few things to look forward to in the coming week:
- Your will open your mind to new ideas and possibilities.
This aspect has the potential to spark a breakthrough in your mind. Remember, that’s where true revolutions begin-in the mind. You’ll start thinking outside the box, coming up with new solutions to old problems, and realize the necessary changes that you need to make in your won life before you’ll be able to affect the lives of those around you. This might mean waking up to some very difficult truths, and then finding the strength to fight for what you really do stand for.
- Pay close attention to your dreams.
Mercury rules communication, and it will influence where your ideas come from. And under this aspect, your subconscious will speak to you-through your dreams. Keep a dream journal and write down every little detail. You never know where the universe is trying to send you a signal, and you need to be consistently paying attention. There is so much within your mind that remains unlocked, but this aspect has the power to bring it to the surface. Don’t fight it, embrace it and see what your subconscious has been trying to tell you all along.
- You’ll want to get out and meet new people.
The holiday season will see you surrounded by family and friends-people you’ve known for many years. But you’ll want to be exposed to new ideas and fresh faces eventually. Make an effort to get out and get to know some new people. One of the best ways to learn and open your mind is to meet people who are nothing like you and learn directly from them. One of the most beautiful things about humanity is how we are all truly unique-under this aspect, we can truly celebrate this uniqueness.
- Your intuition will be stronger than ever before.
Usually, Neptune is known as the planet of psychic influence, but Uranus can have that quality as well. Your senses will be more tuned in than ever, so don’t ignore what they tell you. If you get a bad vibe from someone, listen. And if you get a good vibe from someone, stick around and connect with them. This is a time when you must learn to trust yourself and your own mind. Listen to your intuition, and you won’t go wrong.