When we think about astrology, we may not think about Chiron as much we think about the sun, the moon, and the planets. But this celestial body can actually have a huge impact on our lives. Chiron represents the healing process, but its presence doesn’t always mean that we will be “healed”: instead, its influence can guide us through the different stages of the healing process, some of which may be more difficult than others. But if you pay attention to its position in relation to the other planets, you can get a sense of which stage of the process you may undergo. On December 28, Saturn moves into a square aspect with Chiron-read on for a few things you might experience this week.
- This aspect will make you think about your relationship with authority.
This aspect may seem insignificant, but it is actually one of the defining astrological aspects of 2016. Think about how people have been feeling towards authority lately, especially as it relates to the government. People are ready for new leadership to shake things up, and they don’t want others telling them what to do. People have been feeling restricted, but now, they are getting ready to break free of those boundaries and make real progress.
- This rejection of authority can translate into your personal life.
Suddenly, you might feel the urge to be more independent, to make more of your own choices, and to do things that others might disapprove of-and you no longer care what they think. This could mean getting frustrated with your significant other, fighting with parents and family members, feeling bored and exasperated with your classes and professors if you’re still a student, or getting annoyed with your boss and coworkers. Try to be patient with these people-this is genuinely an important part of the healing process, and it means that you’re ready to start carving a new path for yourself.
- You may struggle with making your own decisions, even though you really want to.
Being independent sounds great in theory, but it’s more difficult in practice. You get to make decisions for yourself, but you’re also the only one that is responsible for the consequences of those decisions. So it means taking responsibility for your actions in a way that you may not have had to before when you could rely on other people to a greater extent. It will all get easier with practice, so stay strong!
- You might feel very confused.
Questioning authority can lead you to wonder-who is really controlling the outcome? Who can I really trust? To find the answer, you’ll have to look within. Remember, when you can trust yourself to do what is right, it won’t matter who is “in charge,” because you know that the only person that you have to answer to is yourself. It might take you some time to feel that you can really depend on yourself, but you will get there eventually-have faith in Chiron’s energy and the healing process!