The Sun entered Leo on July 22, and you may have already recognized the change in the atmosphere! Lucky for us, we get to soak up all of Leo’s positive energy until August 22, so the fun’s not over yet! The Sun in Leo is a dramatic change from the Sun in Cancer-while Cancer is a sweet, sentimental sign, Leo is loud, bold, and flamboyant. There are a million ways to take advantage of the next few weeks, so here’s how you can find happiness while the Sun is in Leo:
- Express yourself!
Leo loves to show off, and while some may find this arrogant, if you stay humble it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Now is the time to ask for the attention that you know you deserve. Remember, this doesn’t mean acting entitled, but simply seeking credit where credit is due. You deserve the spotlight every once in a while, and now just might be the time! So get out there, fulfill your potential, and let everyone else see just how good you are.
- Be confident!
Maybe you’ve been struggling with insecurity over the past few months. It definitely seems that 2016 has been a rough year for many of us, and some of us have been doubting ourselves and the direction our lives are headed. But never fear-the Sun in Leo is here to help you with that! Leo is such a naturally confident sign that even if you’ve been feeling uncertain for a while, you’ll feel a little more secure during this time period. Harness that feeling and keep it with you even as the Sun moves out of Leo-you are capable of so much more than you think, and you can take on anything the world throws at you!
- Socialize!
Leo loves making new friends, so now is the perfect time to reach out to a new crew. It’s also a great opportunity to ask a potential love interest to spend a little alone time together. Don’t be shy-you never know who you could meet when you take the initiative to break out of your normal social circle.
- Start something new.
If you’ve been itching to take up a new hobby, write a novel, visit somewhere you’ve never been…now is the perfect time. The Sun in Leo is all about breaking out of your comfort zone and trying new things. If you’ve been thinking about making a career change, start polishing that resume and working on cover letters!
- Treat yourself!
To a new wardrobe, fresh lipstick, trendy pair of shoes-you name it, Leo wants it. Leo loves glamour and enjoys the finer things in life, so why not pick up that nice handbag you’ve had your eye on for a while or that cute dress you’ve seen in the window of your favorite boutique? You’re sure to look adorable, and there’s no telling who will notice your cute new look.