Astrology Fix A fun, fresh take on horoscopes and Astrology! Fri, 03 Mar 2017 11:58:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Get a Motivational Boost From Mars Trine Saturn Fri, 03 Mar 2017 11:58:53 +0000 If you ever need motivation, cross your fingers that Mars is coming around. Mars represents motivation more than any other planet. This red planet gives us the energy we need to reach our goals. However, the way that it functions shifts when this energy is combined with that of other planets. For example, Mars forming some kind of aspect with Neptune would motivate us to seek our spirituality or opportunities to help others. Mars in an aspect with the sun would magnify this motivational energy and give us the ability to use it in any area of our lives.

On March 5, Mars moves into a trine aspect with Saturn. The combined energy of these two planets can help us achieve incredible things, so this aspect is very auspicious. Here are a few things you can expect:

  1. You will find a new level of endurance.

This aspect gives you the strength to push through whatever has been holding you back. If you’ve been struggling at your job, you’ll gain a new understanding of how to approach your career and start making the necessary changes. If you’ve been wallowing in self pity because a relationship ended, you’ll find the energy to get up, go out, and meet new people who will make you feel better about yourself.

  1. You’ll also be more patient.

You’ll understand that not all changes can be sudden and dramatic-these things take time, and that’s okay. You won’t feel like you need to rush to make things happen. You’ll see that sometimes you need to work slowly and methodically to really make things work, and you don’t need to skip the journey in anticipation of the destination. You just need to have faith in yourself and keep up your good work ethic, and everything will turn out in your favor.

  1. You’ll realize that it’s time to truly follow your passion.

No, this doesn’t have to mean quitting your job and traveling the world, or leaving the place where you live for somewhere new. It just means recognizing what really sets your soul on fire and making time and space for it in your life. Too many people ignore their true passions and don’t make an effort to chase their dreams. Doing so doesn’t make you naïve or impractical. It just makes you a human being who knows that life is too short not to chase what they want.

  1. Your relationships will benefit.

When you’re motivated and devoted to the things you care about, people around you will begin to take notice. Your friends and family will appreciate your good outlook. Romantic relationships will especially benefit during this time. If you’re putting in extra effort when it comes to making your partner happy, they’re very likely to do the same in return, and you will both be better off! Simply put, this is a time of prosperity-if you’re ready to put the work. Nothing worth having comes easy, so it’s time to roll up those sleeves!

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How Venus Retrograde Can Help You Find Your Soul Mate Thu, 02 Mar 2017 11:58:39 +0000 On March 3, Venus moves into retrograde, where it will be until April 15. You’re probably wondering what all this is going to mean for your love life. After, Venus has a huge amount of influence over romance, and with this planet going into retrograde, you’re bound to have a lot of questions about how this will affect your relationships. Will you meet someone new ho will sweep you off your feet? Will you find yourself questioning a long term relationship? Will you give up on love altogether, or will you become a hopeless romantic because of a chance encounter?

If you feel like freaking out a little, take a deep breath and calm down-you’re going to be okay! Here’s how Venus retrograde can affect your love life and more.

  1. Venus retrograde is known as a “fated” period.

What the heck does that mean? It means that everything that happens during this time will be significant in terms of your long-term relationships. The things that happen to you during Venus retrograde are clues to your “fate” in terms of love, but the clues are not as obvious as they may seem. Pay close attention to your feelings and any “signs” you may notice.

  1. It’s more a time for self-love than anything else.

They say that you can never truly love someone else until you love yourself. This isn’t true for everyone, but it certainly helps. Have you actually been loving yourself and engaging in self-love and self-care practices? Have you been showing the same kind of love to yourself that you have shown to others in the past? If you haven’t, Venus retrograde will make it clear and encourage you to finally start doing so-you absolutely deserve it, there’s no question about that!

  1. You may run into old love interests.

Yes, this can be very stressful, but it’s almost guaranteed to happen. Maybe you’ll physically bump into them at the grocery store, or maybe you’ll get a text from a number that you deleted long ago. But either way, they’re going to pop up again. Do your best to handle any situations like this with poise and maturity. You should be able to work things out like adults and be civil to one another. If you both feel that you regret leaving the relationship behind, maybe there is hope for you two in the future-who knows?

  1. Yes, you may actually come into contact with your soul mate.

That moment that everyone spends their whole lives waiting for just might happen during Venus retrograde! Remember, this is a “fated” period, so the people that you meet now could end up being around for a very long time-possibly even your whole life! So don’t write off anyone that you meet during Venus retrograde, even if you don’t click right away-many people that you encounter during this time are here to stick around and teach you something very important about your life and your destiny.

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5 Things You Should Never Say to an Air Sign Wed, 01 Mar 2017 11:58:37 +0000 Everyone needs a few air signs in their lives. They’re unique individuals that have their own outlook, and they’re never afraid to be themselves. It’s inspiring and uplifting, and for air signs, being inauthentic is never an option. But if you’re friends with a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, you know there are some lines that just can’t be crossed. Here are five things you should never say to an air sign:

  1. “Aren’t you happy where you are?”

Air signs have an undeniable desire to explore-especially Aquarius! They love adventure, and they love learning-so being immersed in a new culture is one of their favorite ways to learn. If they want to travel, sorry, but you just can’t stop them. They’re going to book that flight no matter what you say.

  1. “This seems like a waste of money.”

Now, don’t get the idea that air signs are frivolous big spenders, because that’s not the case at all. But when they see something unique that they like, they have to have it. You might think it looks weird or silly, but trust an air sign-they have good taste, especially Libras! Don’t try to tell an air sign how to spend their money. They know what they like, and they’re willing to invest in it.

  1. “Are you going to have a good time if we go out?”

Air signs can be very social-there’s no denying that. But they also need time to themselves. They’re basically ambiverts-people who are simultaneously introverted and extroverted. Many people feel this way to an extent, but air signs fit this description perfectly! They love to meet new people, have interesting conversations, and even dance the night away with a crowd of strangers. But they also need a lot of time to recharge after all that socializing, and they can’t always predict when they’ll need time alone.

  1. “You’ve been acting different lately-is something wrong?”

First of all, this one comes with an extra warning tag. Don’t say this to a Gemini, because that conversation will go straight downhill. Air signs aren’t trying to be two faced, they’re just multifaceted individuals who express different aspects of their personality at different times. To some people, this may come off as fake, but they’re honestly just being real-they can’t easily be put in boxes, and they certainly cannot satisfy everyone, so they don’t even bother to try.

  1. “This doesn’t seem like it’s going to work.”

Air signs are innovative, and when they have a problem, they might end up going with a solution that seems totally off the wall. They trust their instincts, and they don’t care if people think that what they’re trying is a little insane. They’re going to go ahead and do it anyway. So don’t discourage their plans, because they’re most likely still going to follow through. Even if it’s something you think will go badly, you have to let them figure that out for themselves-you can’t be the one to teach them.

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How the Sun Conjunct Neptune Will Increase Your Empathy Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:58:48 +0000 Neptune is such a fascinating planet. This blue giant creates incredible energy. Since it’s the ruling planet for Pisces, you know that it can have a huge impact on our emotional state. It’s also a planet that represents spirituality, and its influence can push you to discover our own personal, spiritual path. Furthermore, Neptune is the planet of dreams. And it doesn’t just affect the dreams we have after our head hits the pillow-it affects our daily thought process and can send us into a cycle of daydreaming. Overall, Neptune has an impact on our subconscious, psychic side-a side of ourselves that many of us are not in touch with.

On February 28, the sun moves into a conjunct aspect with Neptune. Combined with the energy of the sun, Neptune’s influence will be even stronger than usual. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. This aspect will increase your empathy.

Neptune does not just make us more in touch with our own emotions-we also get in touch with the emotions of other people. It can be difficult to deal with this, especially if you realize that you’re surrounded by very negative people! However, learning how to process the emotions of other people in addition to your own can really increase your understanding of humanity as a whole.

  1. You might feel confused about who to trust.

At times like this when people are more sensitive, those who seek to profit off this often pick up on it and try to take advantage. For example, you might feel more vulnerable to believing conspiracy theories or to buying things that you don’t need because of convincing salespeople. Keep your energy guarded, and think carefully about what you’re reading, seeing, or hearing. It can be difficult to trust certain people during this aspect, so you need to monitor your instincts.

  1. You will have an increased interest in the spiritual world.

Neptune often has this effect on people, and it’s a truly beautiful thing. By all means, go out and explore what spirituality means to you and where your path is meant to lead. But beware of “false prophets”-because of the Internet, almost anyone can call themselves a spiritual leader these days and try to lead people astray for their own personal gain. You need to continue questioning everything that you learn in order to find your true spiritual path.

  1. It’s a good time to escape reality for a bit.

After all, that’s what your imagination is trying to do! Why not take a little vacation, or at the very least, take yourself out of the “real world” for a day or two? Stay in with close friends and family, curl up with your favorite book or movie, and let your responsibilities rest for a minute-it will all be okay. Everyone needs time to unplug and get away, and now is as good a time as any! Your soul needs a break, so go ahead and treat yourself.

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Face Your Limits With Mars Conjunct Uranus Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:58:57 +0000 Have you been feeling limited lately? Like you’re trying to break free, but you’re just stuck? Maybe you always feel down this time of year, or maybe it’s something bigger. Maybe you really do need a big change. After the solar eclipse that we just experienced, you might be on your way! But what if you need another little boost in the right direction? Lucky for you, the universe is here to help you out one more time.

On February 26, Mars moved into a conjunct aspect with Uranus. Mars represents motivation and passion, so whenever we feel its influence, we may feel more inspired than usual. Uranus, on the other hand, symbolizes more mysterious forces that can guide us down the right path in life. Here’s what to expect from this aspect:

  1. You will strongly desire change.

Suddenly, your daily routine will feel incredibly constraining. You’ll start to question everything that you do on a daily basis, because you will be constantly thinking about what else this life has to offer. You’ll be prone to daydreaming, and you’ll be asking a million questions of yourself-is this really what I want? Where do I want to go in the future? Remember, at the end of the day, only you know the answers to these questions.

  1. Be wary of the urge to act spontaneously.

Yes, you might want to just buy a one way ticket to a foreign country and run away forever, but resist the urge! While your emotions may be telling you differently, this is actually NOT the best time for drastic action. There are many other methods you can use to figure out what you really want to do in life, but right now, your best bet is not to drop everything and run away. That will only solve your problems in the short term, and it will come back to hurt you in the future.

  1. You probably won’t be able to make a plan that you’ll actually stick to.

“Okay, so I shouldn’t make any big moves yet-but I can start planning now,” you think. Wrong. Your energy will be all over the place right now, so pouring a ton of energy into plans that you will probably change your mind about is the not the best use of your time. Your best bet right now is to adjust your routine so that you can enjoy more of the things you love while eliminating the things that bring you down.

  1. Focus on self-control.

Yes, this will clearly be difficult. But this isn’t a time to make your next move, and it’s not even the time to plan for it. It’s a time to simply BE and figure out what you really want. You don’t need to make any major decisions or rush into any big life changes. It can be difficult to hold back from this, but doing so is in your best interest, and you will thank yourself eventually.

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4 Things to Expect From the Solar Eclipse in Pisces Fri, 24 Feb 2017 11:58:43 +0000 While every cosmic event can affect us to an extent, some will be more extreme than others. An aspect that lasts for a few days might change the way we feel for a week or so, while a transition that lasts months can have a profound impact on our entire year. But which events have the biggest effect on our lives? What goes on in the astrological calendar that has the potential to turn our lives completely upside down? Well, that would be the eclipses.

An eclipse will often bring big, unexpected events our way, and it can completely change our lives. Yes, this can be scary, but there’s nothing we can do about it-so we’ve got to embrace whatever an eclipse sends our way! So, when is the next eclipse? Well, get ready for a wild weekend-there will be a solar eclipse in Pisces on February 26. Here’s what to prepare for:

  1. First of all-don’t panic. This eclipse will bring good news.

Since this eclipse occurs in Pisces, it is ruled by the planet of Neptune-the planet that represents our dreams. Does this mean this eclipse is going to make your dreams come true? It’s a possibility! Of course, good things only come to those who work for them. But let’s put it this way-if you’ve been waiting for a sign, the universe will send one your way this weekend. And if you’ve been working hard for a while with no results, that’s probably about to change in the next couple days.

  1. You’ll feel more optimistic.

Just like the Mercury trine Jupiter aspect earlier this week, this eclipse will bring tons of positive energy your way. You honestly may feel euphoric this weekend. That’s because of Neptune’s influence on your spiritual side-you’ll be more in touch with your true needs and wants, and you’ll be able to see all the positive things going on around you more clearly.

  1. There will be more opportunities to use your talents in upcoming months.

If you’re a writer, expect people to reach out to you for help. If you’re an artist, expect increasing interest in your work. If you’re still in school, professors or future employers may approach you with opportunities that could be your ticket to bright future. These small opportunities will all add up to send you down the right path, so don’t ignore them or turn them down-these are all signs that you’re headed in the right direction.

  1. You will seek out spiritual development if you haven’t already.

Neptune represents our spirituality in addition to our dreams, and if you’ve never thought about what your spiritual path could be, that’s about to change. This eclipse will reveal in some way how your life could change and be improved by seeking out spiritual teachings. This could mean religion, or it could mean something different, like yoga or meditation. Everyone’s path is unique, so take the time to figure out where your path lies, and then see where it takes you.

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Learning to Listen With Mercury in Pisces Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:58:14 +0000 If there’s a single planet that has the strongest influence this week, it’s probably Mercury. Usually we only feel this way when Mercury is in retrograde, but lucky for us, that’s not the case right now! Instead, Mercury has been strengthening our communication skills and shifting our perspective in a more positive direction. So, what’s in store for Mercury this weekend?

On February 25, Mercury enters Pisces. You may know that Pisces is one of the most sensitive, creative, and empathetic signs of the entire zodiac. This makes for an interesting transition that can really alter the way you communicate-if you’re open to the process. So, what can you expect from this particular transit? Be on the lookout for these effects.

  1. You’ll be more in touch with your emotions.

This is always a prominent effect of the influence of Pisces. Since this sign feels everything deeply, you’ll begin to see the world from a more emotional perspective, even if you’re typically a very logical person. This might feel like a radical change, but it can bring a lot of joy and passion to your life if you embrace it. You’ll experience each new situation with a new depth of feeling, and while it may seem overwhelming at first, you will be able to adjust over time.

  1. You’ll be better listener than ever before.

Some signs are very chatty-but not Pisces. They’re usually quieter, and they don’t talk just to hear the sound of their own voice. During this transit, you may find yourself speaking up less and listening more. This doesn’t mean letting your own opinions take a backseat-it just means being more receptive to other peoples’ points of view. So just relax and listen up-you may be surprised by what you learn when you’re not trying to fill empty space.

  1. You may find yourself changing even your most strongly held beliefs.

Yes, this can feel earth shattering-but it’s all part of our personal growing process. We need to change our beliefs sometimes in order to learn about the world. It’s completely natural, and you never need to feel ashamed about changing your beliefs. Because you’ll be able to better see things from another’s perspective during this transit, sometimes you may feel like you’re literally seeing the world through brand new eyes. And yes, this can be a shocking experience, but shaking things up can be good.

  1. You might face some misunderstandings when it comes to communicating with others.

The downside to this transit is the potential for miscommunications-but don’t worry, it’s not as bad as retrograde! Pisces can be dreamy and vague about their ideas, so their statements might come off as ambiguous at times. You might notice yourself doing this during this time, so just try to be conscience of it. Make an effort to clarify what you mean if the other person is looking confused, but don’t be afraid to hold an open minded stance on a particular issue if that’s how you truly feel.

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5 Things You Should Never Say to a Water Sign Wed, 22 Feb 2017 11:58:55 +0000 Water signs are the most emotional signs in the zodiac. Have you ever spent a lot of time around a Cancer, a Scorpio, or a Pisces? Well, if you have, you know what we mean! These signs feel everything deeply, and they practically absorb the emotions of everyone around them. They’re deep thinkers, and they’re highly sensitive individuals. Because of this, you need to be careful of what you say to a water sign! Here are 5 things you would definitely regret saying to a water sign.

  1. “Stop being so sensitive-it’s not a big deal.”

No water sign would take kindly to this (especially Scorpio)! It might seem frustrating that water signs take everything personally and seem more sensitive than other people, but they literally can’t help it. Their sensitivity is just wired into who they are as people. It’s a part of who they are, and it most likely won’t ever change. It may not feel like a “big deal” to you, but step into their shoes and consider how they’re really feeling.

  1. “Have you been zoning out and daydreaming again?”

Answer: yes, always. Water signs are naturally dreamers. Whether it’s night or day, their minds have a tendency to wander elsewhere. They have big imaginations, and they don’t want to contain them. While it might be annoying when they zone out in the middle of a conversation, their imagination also makes them more innovative and inventive-so in the end, this quality is a win.

  1. “You need to get out of the house and be more social.”

Some water signs love being social (Cancer comes to mind), but they also need lots of alone time to recharge. They’re typically a bit more introverted than the other signs, and while this quality is more pronounced when they are young, they will often maintain their introverted nature into adulthood. If you befriend a water sign, it’s just something that you’ll need to get used to-they won’t always be in party mode.

  1. “You know you’ll never make any money doing that.”

Water signs are drawn to careers based on their passions-not based on the income they’ll receive. You’ll find them in creative paths, and any arts school is sure to be overflowing with people born under Pisces. You may think you’re just giving well meaning advice with a statement like this, but the truth is, a water sign probably already knows this-they’ve just decided that a career they love is worth it.

  1. “You need to forget about him.”

Getting over a past relationship is difficult for anyone-but it’s worse for a water sign. Even getting over a casual crush can feel like an uphill battle! They’ll feel enough love for two people, and when it’s over, they’ll carry twice the burden of heartbreak. It’s a real struggle, so instead of being dismissive, you need to be supportive. Yes, it may seem like a silly fling to you, but to them, it might have meant the world.

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Power Struggles Under Mars Square Pluto Tue, 21 Feb 2017 11:58:45 +0000 Where does your motivation come from? Do you work hard for what you want because you’re working towards something that you’re very passionate about? Or are you working for money rather than passion? Do you feel more inspired to work hard when you’re trying to impress someone that you admire? There are many different sources of motivation, but you might be surprised to learn that the stars can actually influence those feelings of motivation.

Particular aspects can cause you to rethink your path and your professional life. On February 22, Mars moves into a square aspect with Pluto, and this could turn out to be a crazy combination! The combined energies of these planets can have some profound effects. Here are a few things to look out for:

  1. You’ll have a newfound desire to gain control.

This could be a desire to gain control over your life because you feel like it’s been getting a little too crazy lately. Or it could be a desire to gain control over others because you feel powerless. This motivation can be a positive thing if it pushes you to organize and restructure your life-but trying to assert dominance over other people will usually end in disaster. Do your best to fight this urge-there’s a difference between being a leader and being controlling.

  1. You’ll probably begin thinking about getting a raise or promotion.

Now, don’t go running to your boss just yet-again, consider the source of this motivation. If you’re looking for a raise because you know that your work is worth more than you’ve been getting, ask away. But if you just want more money as a status symbol, it’s going to backfire. Likewise, if you want a promotion because you genuinely want more responsibility, go for it! But if you just want a more prestigious title to impress others, you’ll regret your decision in the end.

  1. Be careful about respecting authority.

Remember, when we’re under a given aspect, everyone can be affected by these energies-not just you. This means that under Mars square Pluto, power struggles might be all around you. Be careful-clearly, people who are already in positions of authority will have the advantage in this situation, so if you get on someone’s bad side, they can take it out on you. It can be tempting to try to climb the ladder, but be careful not to step on anyone else’s toes, because these powerful energies are working on all of us.

  1. Work out any feelings of jealousy.

Ah, jealousy, the green monster-something that no one likes dealing with! But the fact is that you’ll probably feel it at some point during this aspect. We’re so focused on gaining what other people have-especially those that we feel are “above” us in some way-that we’re especially prone to jealousy and its sister emotion, envy. Remember that these feelings are unhealthy, and it’s in your best interest not to let them influence you-instead, find a more positive outlet for dealing with them.

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Why Mercury Trine Jupiter Will Boost Your Mood Mon, 20 Feb 2017 11:58:13 +0000 It’s easy to feel down around this time of year. We’re still a long way from sunshine and blue skies, the excitement of the holidays has long since faded, and if you didn’t have a Valentine last week, you might be feeling a little frustrated with your love life. But never fear-better days are just around the corner! And if you’ve been down in the dumps, pick your chin up-the universe is on your side this week.

On February 21, Mercury moves into a trine aspect with Jupiter. As usual, we can expect good things from Jupiter. So if you’re sick and tired of this gloomy weather, keep in mind that the cosmic forecast is looking good for the next few days. Here are a few things you can expect:

  1. This aspect always brings optimism.

Sometimes, the only thing holding us back from happiness is ourselves. We might want to blame other people or circumstances, but at the end of the day, we are responsible for our feelings. If you’re naturally a little pessimistic, it might be difficult for you to cheer yourself up and stay in a good mood. But with Jupiter’s energy in this aspect, you’ll be expecting the best in the coming days. This aspect is known for influencing an optimistic mood boost.

  1. Expect some good news!

Don’t worry-your optimism won’t go unfulfilled! Jupiter will definitely be bringing some good news this week. Due to Mercury’s influence, it will probably have something to do with relationships and communication. Perhaps you’ll get a phone call from an old friend that you’ve been thinking about-or maybe an old flame will reach out to mend things between the two of you. Either way, you’ll definitely have something to look forward to, so if you feel like you’ve been unlucky lately, that’s all about to change!

  1. It’s a great time for planning.

Since Jupiter makes everything a little brighter, and Mercury boosts our communication skills, it’s a great time for making some plans! Getting everyone on the same page for a night out or a potluck dinner will be a piece of cake-for once! Take advantage of all this good energy and get your friends together some time this week. It’s sure to be a great time, and pulling it together couldn’t be easier. You’ll be glad to reconnect with people you may not have spent time with in a while.

  1. It’s also a fantastic time for your business.

Jupiter really is the miracle worker of the solar system. Not only does it have a positive effect on your mood and relationships, it can also give you a little boost in the business world! This is because Jupiter can have an influence on our finances, and since Mercury is also here to help us with communicating…well, let’s just say if you’re looking for a raise, there’s never been a better time. If you’re searching for a job, don’t get discouraged-you’ve never been closer to landing the position you want.

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