
Embracing Challenges With Sun Conjunct Saturn

This time of year, we aren’t seeing the sun as much as we would like-but that doesn’t mean we aren’t feeling its effects from the cosmic level! The sun is one of the most powerful heavenly bodies in terms of influence. Think about how we discuss our zodiac signs-the sign that tells us the most about our personality is our sun sign. This just goes to show how strongly we feel the sun’s presence on an emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

On December 10, the sun forms a conjunct aspect with Saturn. What does this mean for us? Well, it can clearly make a pretty big impact, and this aspect can actually demand a lot out of us. But don’t view it as a scary obstacle-view it as a challenge that can result in a great opportunity to prove ourselves. Here’s what to expect:

  1. You might have to act as a mentor or a guide to someone else.

It could be a sibling, cousin, or other young relative. It could be someone in your community who needs your assistance. It could even be a parent. Keep an eye out for anyone in your life who might truly need you right now-you never know when you might be able to help someone out. You might not feel ready to lead someone, but no one is ever really “ready” to be a leader when they are needed. This aspect reveals connections between us and those that we are being called to help.

  1. You will be forced to examine the structure of your life.

It’s been said that how we spend our days is how we spend our lives-and it’s true! Your daily routine adds up to how you spend your whole life in the end, so now is the time to take a good, long look at how you usually spend your days and ask yourself is this is really how you want to be spending your life. The answers might be tough to swallow, but it’s important to ask the questions.

  1. Your patience will be tested.

You will almost certainly face some sort of challenge under this aspect. It’s just the nature of these two heavenly bodies-the combination of their influences can cause chaos and disruption in our lives. But challenges don’t have to equate to hardships if you step up to the plate and face it head on. If a problem is brewing, do not hesitate or back away-tackle it with whatever you have, and try your best to believe in yourself, even when the going gets tough.

  1. Certain relationships might cause you sadness or heartache.

Again, this is not the type of challenge that you should run from. This might mean having some difficult face to face conversations, but this is just the reality of any relationship, so don’t panic. Tackle any problems that arise with maturity and compassion-remember how much you care about the person and how the problem you are facing pales in comparison to the bond that you share.

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