Ever found yourself looking up your significant other’s zodiac sign to see if the stars had any explanation for an issue you’ve been having? Have you ever met a potential love interest and occasionally caught yourself checking their daily horoscope? Or have you looked up your sign’s “compatibility” with the other signs, just to see what type of person you might end up with?
The concept of astrological compatibility has been hotly debated. Is our ideal partner really written in the stars at the moment of our birth? Or is there no way to predict whom we’re meant to be with? Are some relationships doomed from the start because their signs are just too different? The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle-here’s the breakdown on both sides of the issue:
YES, compatibility matters:
Our signs reveal certain qualities that just seem to be innate in our personalities. No matter what, Pisces will always be more of a dreamer than down-to-earth Taurus, and while Leo and Libra both appreciate nice things and being comfortable, Leo will always crave a more glamorous life style. So when two signs get together that naturally seem to clash, there will always be the potential for problems.
Furthermore, you also have to consider your moon and rising signs, which can complicate matters even more. Maybe your sun signs are known for getting along perfectly, but your moon signs are polar opposites! There are plenty of places where your birth charts could be at odds, and it could be the explanation for many issues that you face. But here’s the good news….
NO, compatibility doesn’t matter:
When your birth charts and compatibility reports give you a full blueprint of what to expect, you already have a decent idea of some of the problems that you might face.
Maybe you’re an even-tempered Cancer dating an emotionally intense Scorpio, and you know they might be more likely to take out their anger on you. Or maybe you’re a free-spirited Sagittarius dating a more grounded Virgo, and you’re wondering how they’ll handle your need for spontaneity.
If you truly love your partner and want to tackle these issues early on, details of your signs’ compatibility can really help you to do so. You’ll be sure to see that negative compatibility predictions don’t have to be a relationship death sentence! But on the other hand, positive predictions are never a guarantee of success-even if it seems like your signs are destined to be together, you still have to put in lots of love and effort!
In the early stages of a relationship, it can be easy to get caught up in all the details of compatibility. But any relationship can work if both people are truly in love and committed to making the other happy. This matters more than anything in your birth charts, and this is what will ultimately make or break your relationships. So don’t worry too much about what the planets have to say-listen to your heart instead, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

August 8, 2016 at 5:51 AM
thanks xx