Mercury, the planet of communication, can have a huge effect on our relationships. It can change the way we interact with everyone around us, and it can cause us to think twice about saying certain things. We become more conscious of how we convey a message and get our ideas across when we feel its influence. This might feel difficult at times-you may second guess what you’re about to say before you say it-but it can also be helpful in the long run if it helps you improve your overall communication skills. You may find that your words make a bigger impact depending on the sign that Mercury enters. On February 7, Mercury enters Aquarius-here a few things to expect.
- You’ll practically crave a good debate.
Aquarius is all about freedom of expression. They feel no need to play by the rules, and they’re not afraid to break away from social conventions in order to speak their mind and get their point across. And at a time like this, it can be a good thing. Sure, you might accidentally spark an argument every now and then, but when everyone is feeling divided, it’s more important than ever to speak your mind. So let Mercury in Aquarius give you the courage to say what you’re really thinking!
- You’ll be attracted to intellectual conversations.
Aquarius loves to learn and expand their minds. They enjoy challenging their own strongly held beliefs, and holding others to the same standard. During this time, you won’t have the energy or desire to engage in small talk. You’ll want something deeper and more profound. You’ll probably want to discuss the books you’re reading, the latest political developments, or global issues rather than TV shows or celebrity gossip. Surround yourself with people who value the same kind of intellectual conversations.
- You might intimidate others.
You might not be the only one who experiences this while Mercury is in Aquarius. Anyone who feels its effects strongly will probably notice this change. The type of conversations you’ll want to engage in and the intensity you might have for your convictions can definitely turn some people off-but this doesn’t mean that you should be quiet or that you should hide your beliefs for the sake of others’ comfort. Obviously, you should respect people’s boundaries and refrain from personal attacks, but if the moment calls for it, speak your mind no matter what.
- You’ll want to learn about new topics.
When you’re not busy discussing these issues, you’ll be reading about them. Expect to be drawn to books on government and politics, spirituality, personal development, and social issues. Whatever strikes your fancy, go pick up and book about it and settle down for an informal study session! Even if you’re no in school, the learning process never stops, so keep engaging your brain and pushing yourself to expand your knowledge of the world. The more you know, the better you will communicate your beliefs to other people!