When reading descriptions of the different signs, you may notice that some share certain personality traits. You’re not wrong-certain signs actually form groups together called “quadruplicities.” That’s a pretty big word for a simple concept-in astrology, it means a group of four with shared characteristics.
There are three sign quadruplicities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. These titles refer to certain very important qualities that the signs within the groups share. But what do they really mean? Well, these terms encompass many behaviors and lifestyles, and they tell us something very important about our nature. Here’s your guide to the qualities of the signs:
- Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
The starters. The creators. The ones willing to begin something new, to be the first in unknown territory. The cardinal signs are go-getters, the crazy ones who dare to go where no one has gone before. The movers, the shakers, the ones who say “Let’s just go for it and see what happens.” They have the will necessary to accomplish whatever they put their minds to, but they maintain this energy in very different ways. Aries will go for whatever they want enthusiastically, until they get it-they really can’t be stopped. Cancer projects emotionally and attracts the change they want to see. Libra takes a balanced approach and communicates persuasively. Capricorn takes action based on practical, carefully considered needs to ensure success.
- Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Those who change in order to maintain. Who destroy in order to create. Always growing, always learning, always improving, with no need for dramatic shake ups or earth shattering shifts. “Fixed” does not mean stationary-it means acting in a way that reduces future hardships by putting in the hard work NOW. Each sign is concerned with maintaining something different. Taurus focuses on their financial status, always frugal and balanced when it comes to saving. Leo is more fixated on their personal power-not in controlling others, but in having full control over their own lifestyle. Scorpio is fixed when it comes to their emotions, and they wish to maintain their deeply sensitive nature. Aquarius seeks to keep their most important connections and hold on to those who see the world the same way they do.
- Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
They’re not afraid of endings, whether temporary or permanent. They’re the transformers, seekers of spirituality, those who can embrace painful goodbyes because they know a beautiful hello is right around the corner. Mutable signs emphasize adaptability in their personal lives-they may not be the ones making the changes, but they are the ones who accept them and change themselves in response. Gemini does so by being open minded and adapting themselves to new environments rather than the other way around. Virgo criticizes, analyses, and lives by their new conclusions, always ready to change with new ideas. Sagittarius will throw the match, burn down the old and watch the new rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Pisces adapts by fostering connections and feeling at one with others rather than emphasizing individuality.