The very moment you were born, the planets were arranged in a certain place in the heavens. Where they were at that precise moment can give you a glimpse into yourself and even predict parts of your life that will come to fruition.
Some refer to the birth chart as the wheel of life, while others call it a clock, and just like a clock, and it is separated into twelve parts. Each part represents different aspects of a person’s life, and those parts are known as “houses.” Each house is ruled by a zodiac sign and instead of moving around clockwise, the chart flows counter-clockwise.
Each house that is represented tells a tale of a person’s personality and traits that they possess or will possess in the future. The wheel starts at the center or “self” and expands outward first to those around them and how they will relate to other people, and continues to flow outward into the universe. Astrologers see the planets and which house they are in to interpret a birth chart to help map the challenges and gifts a person will have in their lifetime.
The first six houses are the “personal houses” and the last six are the “interpersonal houses.” The personal houses explain how a person see’s themselves and how they can harness the planets within the houses to grow and learn. The interpersonal houses describe how a person see’s the world around them and how they relate to others as well as the universe.
The First House: The first house is ruled by Aries. As Aries is the first of the all the Zodiacs, so this house represents all the “firsts” in a person’s life from first impressions to fresh starts. The first house in the birth chart has the sign that was ascending the moment a person was born and is referred to as “the rising sign” or Ascendant. This house has everything to do with how a person appears to be and comes across to other people.
The Second House
The Second House is ruled by Taurus and covers how a person will respond to impulses and personality traits. The house shows how a person holds on the material things that they have from money and other worldly possessions. The second house is all about how a person secures themselves for the future.
The Third House
The third house is ruled by Gemini and is all about communication from thinking about what to say to the gadgets in how to say the words.
The Fourth House
The fourth house is ruled by Cancer and is all about how a person is grounded. The fourth house is at the bottom of the chart and signifies the very foundation of a person which includes upbringing and family, security and nurturing. This house explains where a person has come from and is the history of who they are and what makes them how they are.
The Fifth House
The fifth house is ruled by Leo and is all about self-expression and how a person presents themselves to others. This house explains how and why a person may be a bit of a drama queen or how well they create and play.
The Sixth House
The sixth house is ruled by Virgo and explains health concerns from a person’s fitness level to their diets. The sixth house can help a person get back on track to a healthier lifestyle and how they are supposed to be when it comes to their bodies and routines.
The Seventh House
The seventh house is ruled by Libra and is all about relationships with partners, family, friends and co-workers. In this house, a person can find their spiritual awakening and look beyond themselves. This is the house that is filled with love and where a person can respond to personal needs such as marriage or a union.
The Eighth House
The eighth house is ruled by Scorpio and explains the hidden secrets within a person. This house is full of mystery and transformations that happen at the deepest levels of an individual. This is where a person can see their faults and put away childish things to move on and become better.
The Ninth House
The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and governs over everything on the psychological plane. This is where a person will find their inspiration, optimism, and expansion. It is where the inner voice comes from that governs luck to religion to morals and ethics.
The Tenth House
The tenth house is ruled by Capricorn and is where a person will set and find their boundaries. This is also known as the “Midheaven” and guides a person to their life’s pursuit. This is where everything comes together from traditions to discipline and rules.
The Eleventh House
The eleventh house is ruled by Aquarius and governs a person’s friendships. This house explains how inventive and original a person is and how they can harness their talents for society. This is the house of dreams and visions. This is where a person finds themselves on a crooked course and set out to make things right again.
The Twelfth House
The twelfth and final house of the birth chart is ruled by Pisces and is all about endings, from tying up loose ends to completing a project. The twelfth house can also explain hidden agendas and secret enemies to watch out for during a person’s life. This house is how a person can make their dreams come true and see things at the end. It shows a person’s sacrifices and how far they have come in the world.
When a planet moves through the houses on a birth chart, many things can be revealed and better understood. Traits that a person didn’t even know existed can shine through and tell an undeniable truth that the universe has set up for them. But one must know the exact moment they were born to get a precise reading from a birth chart and look at it with an open mind. The birth chart isn’t written in stone, but merely suggestions the universe has laid out to help a person better understand where they come from and where they are going.

July 16, 2016 at 5:38 AM
Very interesting and educative.thnks to u
July 25, 2016 at 1:07 PM
Very informative.