Ever have one of those weeks? Your computer crashes, you miss your train, your clients are cancelling meetings left and right. Don’t worry, you’re not losing it-it could just be Mercury retrograde.
Mercury rules communication, influencing everything from talking to writing to texting. It also rules technology and travel. This planet passes Earth in orbit three or four times a year, and as it does, it seems to stop and spin backward. While the appearance of “retrograde” is an optical illusion, its effects can be very real.
Mercury was in retrograde from April 28 to May 22, and the next period is from August 30 to September 22. If you felt like your life was going haywire last month, read on to find out how to keep your cool next time.
- Don’t take things too personally.
So your boss makes a biting comment at a meeting, you get in a fight with your boyfriend, or your friend cancels on a longstanding coffee date. It hurts, but just remember that everyone is struggling to communicate. Do your best to respond with kindness and smooth things over.
- Take care of yourself.
Mercury retrograde can bring lots of unnecessary stress into your life, so it’s more important then ever to get eight hours of sleep, drink plenty of water, eat your greens, and chill out with a yoga class or a long run. If you stay healthy, hydrated, and well-rested, you’ll be totally prepared to tackle any obstacles Mercury might send your way.
- Back up digital data.
Mercury retrograde can have a negative effect on technology. It’s a good idea to back up your files or check in with your IT guy about any issues before retrograde even begins. You don’t want to risk losing anything important!
- Don’t make new commitments.
Because Mercury retrograde causes frequent miscommunication, you might want to avoid signing contracts, starting a new job or project, or taking on a new roommate. You may end up in different circumstances than you anticipated: the roommate who seemed quiet and calm at first might be a party animal, and a job that seemed perfect for you may not be a good fit. You shouldn’t pass up a great new opportunity just because of Mercury retrograde, but make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into!
- Go with the flow!
Maybe your flight was delayed, maybe your coworkers are acting chilly towards you, maybe your phone loses its signal every time you need to make an important call. Just relax, take a deep breath, and remember that Mercury retrograde is only three short weeks. The planets can cause chaos here on Earth, but you’re always in control of how you react to it.