There’s always a lot of pressure to have a significant other around this time of year. After all, don’t you need someone to meet you under the mistletoe, to take pictures in front of the giant tree at Rockefeller Center, to kiss at midnight on New Year’s? For people in relationships, this can be a romantic time of year, but for single people, this can be frustrating. Unfortunately, that feeling is about to get a whole lot stronger. On November 24, Venus forms a conjunct aspect with Pluto, which could have a major influence on how you view your love life. Here are a few things you might be feeling under this aspect:
- You’ll feel an increased need for love and affection.
If you don’t have a significant other, you’ll be absolutely craving affection. And even if you do have a significant other, you’ll want them to shower you with attention. Plan all the fancy dates you want and embrace this feeling! It could be a much-needed spark back into a dull relationship. If you’re single, don’t just throw yourself at anyone who comes your way. Guard your loving energy and don’t mistake physical attraction for emotional attraction-this is an easy way to end up getting hurt when you’re already vulnerable.
- Don’t become blind to your partner’s faults.
They say love is blind-and they’re right. Many people will ignore red flags and glaring flaws in a person just because they’re attracted to them. Under this aspect, you’ll be even more susceptible to this kind of behavior. You need to be honest with yourself and demand that same honesty from other people. Do not settle for anything that is beneath you, and trust yourself to recognize when someone does not have your best interests at heart. You don’t want to end up heartbroken just because you didn’t want to be alone. Lying to yourself will only result in temporary satisfaction rather than long term romance.
- Be wary of falling into negative behavior patterns.
People are definitely more susceptible to drinking or using drugs under this aspect. Pluto’s influence can do that-it pressures us to push boundaries and disrupt our routines. This can further affect relationships. Keep an eye on yourself and the people around you. Be aware of previous negative behavior patterns and employ methods to avoid them. Don’t let the wrong kind of cosmic energy send you off in a bad direction-protect yourself and your heart.
- Take responsibility for your own emotions.
During this time, you may be very emotional, and it might be a challenge to manage these emotions. That’s okay. Give yourself space and time to feel whatever you’re feeling and process it as you wish. Try your best not to take out any negative emotions on other people, especially those who didn’t do anything wrong. You need to be responsible for handling your own feelings, and no one else owes you that. Be aware of this when you go about your usual routine and interact with your loved ones.